Mainstream Media: Brian Williams Suspended For Six Months
Brian Williams: News Anchor Beheaded By Child-Fired RPG And Thrown From Burning Helicopter Into Lava Filled Shark Tank
the indian wind along the telegraph lines
kurt von finck's blog
Mainstream Media: Brian Williams Suspended For Six Months
Mainstream Media: Brian Williams Suspended For Six Months
Brian Williams: News Anchor Beheaded By Child-Fired RPG And Thrown From Burning Helicopter Into Lava Filled Shark Tank
How about fired. Zero trust for him as a talking head now.
The only reason anyone takes Brian Williams, Katie Couric or Diane Sawyer seriously is because you can’t change the channel and find Walter Cronkite or David Brinkley.
Cronkite, Brinkley. Yes. Brokaw even.
Dan F’ing Rather. Now there’s a newsman.