This 1984 video, done by seminal 1960s art icon Peter Max, really opened my eyes to what computers could do besides…

This 1984 video, done by seminal 1960s art icon Peter Max, really opened my eyes to what computers could do besides…

This 1984 video, done by seminal 1960s art icon Peter Max, really opened my eyes to what computers could do besides compute.

Too bad Dale Bozzio went all crazy cat lady. Yeah, Yoko F Thunders I’m looking at you and your Google search abilities.

It’s easy to feel love toward someone when things are going well. It’s not so easy when things are difficult.

It’s easy to feel love toward someone when things are going well. It’s not so easy when things are difficult.

It’s easy to feel love toward someone when things are going well. It’s not so easy when things are difficult.

When annoyance, disappointment, frustration, fear, pain and other such emotions inevitably surface when dealing with those you love, it’s difficult to avoid the tendency to focus on yourself: your needs, your thoughts, your emotions. But true empathy dictates we put ourselves in the other person’s place, especially if we profess to truly care for them.

Of course, this can be taken to an unhealthy level of codependence. But anything can be taken to an unhealthy level. It does not mean it is not worth doing at all. And this is especially true for those toward whom we say we truly love. I think the true measure of affection is not in doing what is easy, but what is hard.

I am struck by the lack of real empathy in the world today.

Love is not measured by resonance. Love is measured by reverberation.

You can quote me on that G+, and hold me to it.