I feel older every day. This doesn’t help.
RIP Bob2.
kurt von finck's blog
I feel older every day. This doesn’t help.
I feel older every day. This doesn’t help.
RIP Bob2.
For today, Yoko F Thunders is
For today, Yoko F Thunders is
King Of G+
Originally shared by Yoko F Thunders
Lookie what showed in the mail today, Kurt von Finck!
… unfortunately for mini-t it’s an adult “one size fits all” 😉
This is like all true, huh?
This is like all true, huh?
Free at last. Free at last. Thank God almighty, he’s free at last!
Free at last. Free at last. Thank God almighty, he’s free at last!
RIP, Madiba.
Kickstarter campaign from some old friends of mine. Check it out!
Kickstarter campaign from some old friends of mine. Check it out!
I just got a portal submission confirmation for an #Ingress portal I submitted the first week of October.
I just got a portal submission confirmation for an #Ingress portal I submitted the first week of October.
Terri Oda Darla Walker Mary Gardiner Selena Deckelmann Rikki Endsley Sarah Sharp Leslie…
Terri Oda Darla Walker Mary Gardiner Selena Deckelmann Rikki Endsley Sarah Sharp Leslie Hawthorn +AllMyXXChromosomeNerdPosse!
I never send error reports.
I never send error reports.
Because I’m no frickin’ snitch.
This is big news. Both for the USPS and for Amazon customers. Seems like a win all around!
This is big news. Both for the USPS and for Amazon customers. Seems like a win all around!
Yo! Cilla Cantrell!
black rebel motorcycle club (BRMC) – love burns