Spreadsheets are not the most obvious type of document to manipulate from the command line. They are essentially a visual tool meant for interactively exploring data. Experience has shown, however, that there are certain spreadsheet tasks for which the command line is very useful and Gnumeric supplies a number of command line tools for this.
- ssconvert converts spreadsheets from one format to another, for example from xls to ods. That sounds fairly simple — load one, save the other — and it pretty much is although there are things such as merging several files or extracting parts of files that add a little complication. Since Gnumeric can save as pdf, this tool also allows command-line printing of spreadsheets.
- ssgrep is like grep is for text files. And it has about the same set of options.
- ssindex is used by things like tracker and beagle to find of pieces of text in spreadsheet files.
- ssdiff is a new tool in the upcoming release. It compares two spreadsheets and outputs a list of differences between them. There are three output modes so far: (1) a text format, (2) an xml format, and (3) a mode that outputs a copy of one of the input files with differing cells marked in neon yellow.
None of these programs are big: 300-1100 lines of C code, ssdiff being the largest only because of its three output modes.