GNOME Asia 2021 Online Summit remarks

Right so a few weeks ago I had the pleasure to attend and present at the GNOME.Asia 2021 Online Summit where I tried to give an overview and explain the connection between GNOME, Asia and computing in general.

It was a true pleasure to attend the 2021 Asia Summit which was in my opinion an very interesting conference jam-packed with interesting talks and speakers who told the audience what they was working on.

It really struck me how cool and awesome the GNOME community is and how many cool things everybody seemed to be working on despite the tough circumstances, something which I think was an important thing to appreciate about the Summit.

I otherwise think that the organizers did an excellent job of organizing the Summit and that the 2021 Online Summit worked quite well as an online event and conference. Although it maybe would have been nicer to meet everyone in person..

Also a well designed t-shirt arrived in my mail last week (which made me very happy).

*A recording of my talk is available online here for those who is interested to listen what I tried to explain to the audience.



I had the pleasant opportunity to attend GUADEC 2019 in the sunny and warm Thessaloniki, Greece. It was nice to catch up with familiar and new faces of the community.

Beside meeting with attendees I had the pleasure to help with the registration desk during parts of the conference which feel good and was a nice, rewarding experience.

While to help out with the registration desk might not been seen as something special it included several several tasks and it required to pay attention to things.

With regards to the talks I found Neil’s talk about the growth and future of the foundation very interesting (which included some interesting content) as well as the always amazing Christian Hergert’s talk about the efforts he doing with lower the development barrier in Linux.

I think the organizers and staff did a very fine job with organizing the conference (they deserve much credit). While I don’t want to state to much I hope to attend future GUADEC editions.

GStreamer Spring 2018 Hackfest Remarks

Last weekend (4-6 of May) community members members gathered in Lund Sweden to hack on the for many GNOME applications central GStreamer multimedia framework.

Attendees worked on a wide range of takes and did planning for the future. The Hackfest included to GNOME many familiar faces and was considered as quite successful.

While the focus on work was intense during the Hackfest it at the same time included moments of joy.

Collabora, Centricular and Igalia three companies with interest in GStreamer was generous to grant their employees to attend the Hackfest while the venue was provided by the local company Axis (who also provided food & snacks).

The Hackfest was possible thanks to the support of the parties.