I had the pleasant opportunity to attend GUADEC 2019 in the sunny and warm Thessaloniki, Greece. It was nice to catch up with familiar and new faces of the community.

Beside meeting with attendees I had the pleasure to help with the registration desk during parts of the conference which feel good and was a nice, rewarding experience.

While to help out with the registration desk might not been seen as something special it included several several tasks and it required to pay attention to things.

With regards to the talks I found Neil’s talk about the growth and future of the foundation very interesting (which included some interesting content) as well as the always amazing Christian Hergert’s talk about the efforts he doing with lower the development barrier in Linux.

I think the organizers and staff did a very fine job with organizing the conference (they deserve much credit). While I don’t want to state to much I hope to attend future GUADEC editions.