Damien, Ubuntu edgy has not been released yet (the beta version is available for some days and has GTK 2.10.3). GTK 2.10.4 has been uploaded on friday and has been tested before upload. I knew about the ekiga crasher (you pointed a bug about it by mail on friday morning before the upload to edgy) and decided to upload it anyway because the desktop was not exploding with it, the new version was available for almost a week without a lot of bugzilla activity about it and that’s the way we work on unstable distribution: we push the new versions when available (if they don’t break too much) and work on issues created by the update then. No luck for you than ekiga was crashing on startup and that the new bug-buddy makes easy for user to file a flood of duplicates about a crasher issue. A patched GTK package has been uploaded on saturday afternoon with the upstream fix for that issue