This week has been really an amazing one for Ubuntu and GNOME!
- Ubuntu 7.04 is available since yesterday. Edgy was rough on the edges due to the short cycle after dapper, feisty is ROCKING!
What is new with this version (Ubuntu 7.04 tour)?
– The installer has now a Windows migration tool
– GNOME 2.18.1 is available on the desktop and it’s a pretty good milestone, congrats to the whole GNOME community for the awesome work
– Network-manager is now part of the default installation
– Compiz is available on the CD, you just have to use the desktop effects menu item to try it
– Easy installation of multimedia codecs
– Easier install of proprietary drivers
– The new bug reporting tool apport makes trivial to retrace crash files to get debug backtraces. The bugsquad is doing a rocking work there but there is still lot of detailed bugs which could be useful upstream. If you are upstream you are welcome to subscribe to the package corresponding to your software on launchpad or have a look on bugs there. If you don’t want to get distributions bug you can subscribe to the upstream product and you should get mail only when an upstream task is opened
– And many other changes
- Other good news for Canonical, Ubuntu and GNOME, Canonical has joined the GNOME Foundation’s advisory board and is a silver sponsor for the next GUADEC 😉
- Next week Ubuntu will have a new UbuntuOpenWeek with lot of interesting IRC sessions, feel free to join!
- Congrats also to everybody who worked to create the GNOME Mobile & Embedded Initiative