
April 11, 2008

I find the recent posts about that project pretty interesting ; and since I’m the one who rewrote most of ekiga’s contact management code, you can tell having a look at the api is of great interest to me : can ekiga easily integrate and use that?

Unfortunately, it seems there’s no good doc yet, which isn’t that surprising for such a young project. Luckily, I’m not that bad at code-diving, and this is where things get interesting : vala!!! Don’t take me wrong, vala is a nice and interesting idea (didn’t I already blog about it?), but for a framework which is supposed to get wide use, I’m not sure that’s such a good idea : doesn’t a vala interface mean a GObject-based interface? If so, won’t that alienate kde, gnustep and enlightenment people (yes, they are people, and they do interesting things)?

Aside from the previous points, there are a number of questions which spring to mind when reading the vala api : an addressbook seems to be something which can be opened and closed, and to which one can ask a contact from an identifier. How do I find the correct identifiers? Ah, there’s a view interface, and the comment there tell I get it from performing a request on an addressbook — but there’s nothing about it in the addressbook api! There a nice iterator api on a view, which does the strict minimum : next and get… It’s pretty young, indeed.

I hope it will age well!

PS: sigh… that meme looks less stupid than the others :

jpuydt@noether:~$ history|awk ‘{a[$2]++ } END{for(i in a){print a[i] ” ” i}}’|sort -rn|head
49 make
48 git-checkout
41 git-rebase
38 cd
36 git-gui
28 ./src/ekiga
25 git-svn
21 git-status
20 su
20 grep

(can you guess I keep several branches in my ekiga.git/ directory?)

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