Ekiga is slowly coming
January 26, 2008
Well, more precisely : it’s slowly coming from my end : other areas are progressing pretty nicely, with interesting new features soon to come.
Most of the main structures are in place, and the work is now to build little code stubs to link all of it : it should now be possible to fix some long-standing issues like the video preview still running while out-of-call and hidden, or inhibiting the screen saver during a call and reenabling afterwards… it should also be possible to re-enable some previously working features like avahi presence publishing.
There are still important main structures which needs some engine-ing, like accounts or the text chat. I already have code for the later, but need to rework it in light of recent changes I made elsewhere : the code should be much shorter now I factored out the needed features…
Things would happen faster if I didn’t happen to care about my students…