$ history|awk '{a[$2]++ } END{for(i in a){print a[i] " " i}}'|sort -rn|head
91 cd
75 ls
49 svn
45 ssh
37 vim
37 make
13 ./test-notes
11 ./openmoko-messages
11 ./openmoko-dialer
$ history|awk '{a[$2]++ } END{for(i in a){print a[i] " " i}}'|sort -rn|head
91 vim
53 sh
52 svn
47 cd
40 ls
31 find
21 git
18 ssh
11 su
11 make
More Moko GTK+ Theme
Spurred on by the positive comments in my last little theme experiment for the OpenMoko, I have made a few adjustments based on some of the comments. It’s also now available in OpenMoko svn.
If you have a OpenMoko build set up, you can try it out. Firstly you need to build the package and then rebuild the package index:
bitbake moko-gtk-engine && bitbake package-index
You may have issues if you have built this before, because I did made some changes to the repository that svn can’t handle very cleanly, so if you have problems, wipe your svn checkout and start again.
Then you need to ssh into your neo and run the following commands:
- opkg upgrade
- opkg install moko-gtk-engine
- dbus-launch gconftool-2 –t string -s /desktop/poky/interface/theme “Moko”
- /etc/init.d/xserver-nodm restart
Here are some more screenshots of the theme running on the device. There are still some bugs with colours in a few places, so testing would be much appreciated.
I think the GPS icon is green because the GPS chip was on when I took the screenshots. I’ve been testing a couple of the peripherals on my GTA02 lately and I’m happy to report so far Wifi, GPS, accellerometers and the LEDs all seem to be working correctly. I got a fix from the GPS today which according to Google maps, was within 1 meter of my actual location.
Brand New Moko Theme (Idea)
Inspired by ScaredyCat’s discovery that the default GTK+ theme was much faster on the Neo1973 than the current pixbuf based theme (well, no real suprises there…), I set to work stealing his colour scheme and completely redesigning my Moko theme engine. This time totally optimised for speed and simplicity. It’s still a work in progress, but here are some screenshots to give a general idea:
Lines and other visual distractions are kept to a complete minimum. Although it doesn’t look that great on a desktop display, when it is on a 2.8″ 285dpi touch screen, it feels a lot better.
OpenMoko Presentation in London
UKUUG is hosting a talk by Ole Tange about OpenMoko next week in London (9th April). I’m planning to go along and take the latest GTA02 (FreeRunner) prototype if anyone is interested in seeing it in action. I’ll probably stick around afterwards to chat and grab some dinner.
More details here:
OpenMoko GTK+ Applications
I’ve mostly been working on non-ui related components for OpenMoko recently (working on the package management system, opkg and it’s associated packagekit backend), which gave me a chance to step back from the GUI applications and take a look at some of the areas that could be improved. I posted some of my thoughts on the openmoko-devel mailing list (thread here) and got some quite interesting and encouraging responses.
So, I set to work building some patches. Here are some screenshots of progress:
Phone numbers and contact photos in the address book contact list
Currently work in progress, implementing “Add to contact” in call log
I’m also hoping to get a few theme tweaks in as well. Here’s another game of spot-the-difference (hint, not anything in the number display). And it actually does make it look a lot smarter on the device’s small screen.
changes to
I need to find an artist to help me improve the GTK+ theme. Firstly the gradients really need to go because not only do they look ugly with the banding from the 16bit display, they also cause significant performance problems. If anyone wants to help me out, please do drop me an e-mail, or discuss on the openmoko-devel list.
Well, since no one stepped up to take over maintaining, I decided I really needed to sort it out. I keep getting requests such as “why hasn’t my background been approved yet” and “please delete this submission”. So I have a new idea, that hopefully isn’t so high maintenance:
Hopefully, it will better serve GNOME artists and help encourage people to get involved in GNOME. If you feel like contributing, sources are in GNOME svn:
GNOME Suggestions from 2006
At London LinuxWorld in October 2006, we had a stand promoting and discussing the GNOME project with visitors. As part of that stand, we collected ideas from people about what they liked and disliked about GNOME. While doing a spot of spring cleaning, I came across the dozens of post-it notes that people had written their suggestions on. Shame on me for not getting round to typing up the suggestions until now, but it actually makes for even more interesting reading to see what features and bugs have already been fixed.
- Browse mode as default
- Desktop search
- GNOME Evolution – pressing space bar marks messages as “read”. Button to go to next unread message
- Good menus
- Good integartion, smooth 🙂
- GNOME-VFS is too specific 🙁
- Software I can use without thinking about it! Love it!
- Need IDE with good debugging support
- Centralised location for editing application associations
- Better thumbnail cache use. e.g. delete thumbs not used for 30 days
- Needs to be more geeky
- GConf on NFS-homed rollhout (universtity) between Solaris/GNOME
- Good – slick system; Bad – missing certain functions
- File save expansion sucks 🙁
- Tabs in nautilus
- It’s Free!
- Make windows codecs easier to use and install. WMVs, DVDs, & co, should be a single install tickbox
- Evolution – autosense IMAP/IMAPv4: who the fsck knows what the server is running, or cares?
- Make all desktop configuration scriptable
- Evolution: please implement “Reply and file” (to specific mailbox)
- Memory consumption
- Evolution: (Imap) please replicate locally as the tickbox says!
- (Love) Gstreamer integartion
- Scaling all desktop icons simulatonsusly
- (Love) Inkscape
- Does everything I need
- F-Spot rules
- Keyboard navigation in panel menu
- I like GNOME because cute guys work on the stand
- Configuration of GNOME 🙁
- It actually works! Yay!
- So simple my 9 year old neice can use it! Keep it simple
- It does things my way
- Reset option for panel to restart from scratch
- Easy to install RPMs via Centros
- “Expose” & Just Works
- Why can’t I double click top-left corner to close a window (like Win, KDE, CDE, etc)
- Tomboy notes are cool!
- I (heart) GNOME ‘cos KDE sucxors!
- Extremely user friendly
- More examples in developer documentation, e.g. graphics
- Windowing is too chunkey, want more elegenat interface
- No alarm clock?
- Memory footprint. Library precaching
- I like how the menus are organised!
- I want to sync a Palm Tunsten T5
- DVB/T Freeuen card doesn’t work or is not easily configurable in Totem.
- File->open new users want a text field to click in before typing a filename
(Personally, I think number 30 is best)
Opkg and PackageKit
Some good progress on Opkg and it’s PackageKit backend recently. New features such as autoremove and tags have been implemented in Opkg, and PackageKit can now take advantage of them. I’ve also increased the PackageKit method coverage by including description searching and group search, amongst fixing various bugs and improving internal feedback mechanisms.
Opkg now has a mailing list for discussion on future development and current issues.
Here are some screenshots of the GTK+ PackageKit frontend using Opkg as the backend:
Current method coverage shown by pk-backend-status:
Listing packages in a group using the gnome-packagekit frontend:
Searching on the description field and filtering to only view GUI applications:
Slightly off topic, but of interest to OpenMoko/OpenEmbedded developers, is the new Poky SDK, which Rob wrote about. The Anjuta plugin is particularly interesting, because it significantly shortens the development cycle when cross compiling.
Fosdem ’08
I haven’t written about work things for a while, but I’ve been working on a couple of things, including Opkg (a new package manager based on the un-maintained Ipkg), and a PackageKit backend to use it with.
And this weekend (starting at the beer event on Friday night) I will be at Fosdem. See you there if you’re going!
More GUADEC 2007 Videos (including keynotes)
I’ve processed some more GUADEC 2007 videos, including most of the keynotes. I’m slowly getting through the remaining, but each video takes several hours to process, so please bear with me!
Behdad Esfahbod – Co-maintaining cairo.ogg
Stormy Peters – Would you do it for free again.ogg
Robert Love – Google and Open Source.ogg
Matthew Allum – Clutter Foo.ogg
Doc Searls – Some observations about Linux and Business.ogg
Bryan Clark and Havoc Pennington – Online Desktop.ogg
Alex Graveley – Crafting 3.0.ogg
Michael Meeks – Impromtu IO Grind Talk.ogg