Several years ago I promised people poems on a subject of their choice. I am just starting to complete them. Probably some people who asked don’t even have me friended any more…
dyddgu asked for a sonnet, possibly in Welsh. I tried, but I just couldn’t get it together, so:
My Welsh is just not good enough for verse.
My “dw i’n hoffi coffi”‘s lacking fizz;
cynghanedd is pedestrian or worse;
I wish it wasn’t so, but there it is.
My struggle’s still to learn, as yours to teach,
and so my englyn’s still in English sung,
and aching awdls cower out of reach,
and English shows the thinness of the tongue.
But here’s my goal: some month the Gorsedd meet
so many miles ahead— I may be there
to share my bitter words, my verses sweet,
at common table. Never mind the chair.
But that’s a dream, and not what’s on the card,
and much as I might dream— for now— I’m barred.