So the collaborative project between BBC and Fluendo is underway in the form of the Schrodinger project. We will develop a set of libraries to both decode and encode Dirac video and also make sure it can be embedded into the Ogg container format. We are really excited about this at Fluendo and I think it will be a great gift to the community once its finished as it brings a really high quality video codec to the community.
Media streaming hosting
Another cool thing which we are kicking of now is our stream hosting service which we are doing together with Cable and Wireless. It brings fast cheap Ogg streaming into the market using our Flumotion server, and we can even throw in support for non-free formats for those who need it. Radio Europa Plus is already using it, and we are discussing with multiple other radio and tv stations already. We are working hard on adding more features to our streaming services, including a very nice system for private and small businesses. I think this will ba a happy new year :)
I’ve lost faith in the BBC since seeing the crap they’re spouting over their iMP project.. (
At there is an embarassing typo in the diagram: surely “Stream Wiewer” should be spelled “Stream Viewer”, right?
In the same page as above there is also “thorugh”.
Also, I suggest you include a link to a playlist for the ogg vorbis demo streams too (not everybody has Java or ActiveX installed!).