Empathy 0.21.5.x released

Monday was not a good day to release telepathy packages: Empathy 0.21.5 and got released with FTBFS, MissionControl 4.53 and 4.54 got released but was unable to start, pymsn 0.3.0 and telepathy-butterfly 0.3.0 got released and bugs were discovered directly…

So we now have Empathy, telepathy-mission-control 4.55, pymsn 0.3.1 and telepathy-butterfly 0.3.1 ready and hopefully not too much buggy.

I proposed Empathy for inclusion into GNOME desktop 2.22 but it got rejected for various good reasons, mainly because it’s still a young and instable project and needs more polish. So if you like empathy and want a good IM client for GNOME 2.24 your help is needed to improve it.

pymsn and telepathy-butterfly 0.3.x are  a complete rewrite to support MSNP15, Empathy is the first free client supporting MSN protocol version 15 thanks to Ali Sabil and all pymsn/butterfly contributors. Work will continue to support more features like file transfer, audio/video, custom smileys, nudges, etc. If you like python language and want a better MSN support for telepathy clients you can help pymsn and telepathy-butterfly projects.

120 thoughts on “Empathy 0.21.5.x released”

  1. hell no – that does not even make sense. I use empathy on a daily basis and I do not have more problems than with pidgin. This attitude is exactly the problem of the gnome project at the moment. New innovative features are rather to be found in other desktop-environments. I was looking forward to a tight integration with epiphany or even gnome-games…KDE was never an option I would even dare to consider but stuff like this make it more and more attractive. Don’t underestimate the power of (supposed) momentum empathy would generate.

  2. It is sad to hear that empathy has been rejected for inclusion on gnome 2.22. I am also looking forward to more integration between IM and the gnome desktop… gnome games, evolution (and e-d-s contacts!!!), file transfer, etc…
    Telepathy and Empathy is definitely the way to go!!
    Keep the excellent work going on Xavier!!!
    Many thanks!!

  3. Are you guys working together with the emesene developers for msn support? They are working on pretty much the same features and also using python. You could probably share a lot of code!

  4. @Wouter, we already contacted the emesene developers and they didn’t want to share efforts with us (pymsn).

    @Xavier, thanks a lot for supporting us 🙂

  5. @duncan: I agree that GNOME should promote officially projects on developpement. It depends on the definition of the GNOME plateform and, in my opinion, we shouldn’t say “here is a set of ready applications for the desktop” but rather “here is a set of applications under developpement that makes a complete desktop”. GNOME is upstream, where we do all innovation and developpement, choosing the set of application ready for users is distribution’s job. For example Ubuntu don’t use epipahny even if it’s the official GNOME browser.

    Anyway, I’ll propose for 2.24, 2.26, etc until it gets accepted 🙂

  6. It is already supported, thanks to telepathy-haze Empathy can reuse pidgin’s libpurple and supports all protocols supported by pidgin 🙂

    In latest empathy I added profile for icq and yahoo for tp-haze, you can add your own profiles to ~/.local/share/mission-control/profiles. I didn’t add profile for other protocols because nobody tried yet so I’m not sure it works…

  7. It’s sad to here this, but i guess it just need more work. I’m waiting for the upgrade to hit the ubuntu ppa and try it. Good work guys!

  8. Bonjour Xavier,

    J’essaye d’installer Emphaty sur Gentoo et ./configure signale que quelques dépendences sont manquantes. Je peux les installer même s’ils sont marqués “instables”, mais est-ce qu’il y a une version minimale de Gnome à utiliser ?

    Voici quelques extraits de ce que j’ai :

    * net-im/telepathy-mission-control [ Masked ]
    Latest version available: 4.55
    Latest version installed: [ Not Installed ]
    Size of files: 572 kB
    Homepage: http://mission-control.sourceforge.net/
    Description: Nokia’s implementation of a Telepathy Mission Control
    License: LGPL-2.1

    * net-libs/libtelepathy [ Masked ]
    Latest version available: 0.3.1
    Latest version installed: [ Not Installed ]
    Size of files: 420 kB
    Homepage: http://telepathy.freedesktop.org
    Description: A glib based library for Telepathy client development
    License: LGPL-2.1

    * net-libs/telepathy-glib [ Masked ]
    Latest version available: 0.7.0
    Latest version installed: [ Not Installed ]
    Size of files: 859 kB
    Homepage: http://telepathy.freedesktop.org
    Description: GLib binding for the Telepathy D-Bus protocol.
    License: LGPL-2.1

    Et pour Gnome :

    [ebuild R ] gnome-base/gnome-light-2.20.1

    Merci d’avance.

  9. @Sacha: Tu dois installer tout ça, ces packages ne sont pas des dépendences de GNOME mais des librairies pour utiliser telepathy.

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