Made progress this weekend on OpenGlucose. The GUI is still ugly but it has the info I want.
Important things on my wish-list, when I have time:
- Handling the units. My only device is mg/dl but other countries uses mmol/L. Since I’m living in Canada where they use mmol/L I should grab a new device with those units, so I’ll be able to compare logs and see how to know in which unit the device is configured.
- Make printable report, I’ve heard doctors like that. OTOH, I shouldn’t encourage using unofficial app for medical purpose.
- Support other FreeStyle devices. I’m pretty sure they all have the same kind of format so most of the parser should be reusable, I hope. I should be able to get a spare FreeStyle Freedom Lite in a few weeks.
- Publish an ubuntu package on a PPA.
- CSV export.
- Ideas?
I’m curious, does someone else own an InsuLinx and tried OpenGlucose yet? Or even tried to support another device?
Are there not any Bluetooth-LE based devices, with a standard API?
Never heard about BT glucometer, that would be awesome though.
Hey Xavier,
I just got a Freestyle Insulinx and want to download a history of the readings. I am currently using Linux Mint 17. Have you packaged your simple data read interface for Ubuntu or Debian so I can just run an install?
No I didn’t package it yet. But it shouldn’t be too hard to build from source. Feedback welcome.