OpenGlucose: Again

Made progress this weekend on OpenGlucose. The GUI is still ugly but it has the info I want.

Important things on my wish-list, when I have time:

  1. Handling the units. My only device is mg/dl but other countries uses mmol/L. Since I’m living in Canada where they use mmol/L I should grab a new device with those units, so I’ll be able to compare logs and see how to know in which unit the device is configured.
  2. Make printable report, I’ve heard doctors like that. OTOH, I shouldn’t encourage using unofficial app for medical purpose.
  3. Support other FreeStyle devices. I’m pretty sure they all have the same kind of format so most of the parser should be reusable, I hope. I should be able to get a spare FreeStyle Freedom Lite in a few weeks.
  4. Publish an ubuntu package on a PPA.
  5. CSV export.
  6. Ideas?

I’m curious, does someone else own an InsuLinx and tried OpenGlucose yet? Or even tried to support another device?



4 thoughts on “OpenGlucose: Again”

  1. Hey Xavier,

    I just got a Freestyle Insulinx and want to download a history of the readings. I am currently using Linux Mint 17. Have you packaged your simple data read interface for Ubuntu or Debian so I can just run an install?


  2. No I didn’t package it yet. But it shouldn’t be too hard to build from source. Feedback welcome.

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