Talking about touchscreens

I was talking yesterday with my good friend Carlos Garnacho about touchscreens and multi-touch and I discover a couple of interesting projects. The first was Garnacho who pointed me out. I didn’t know that project. It was MPX (Multi-pointer X Server).

I tought this was a project for creating drivers for those multi-pointer (or multi-touch) touchscreens which start to be on the streets, but actually is something more. It seems the Xorg X server itself doesn’t support more than one pointer at time, so those people had to make some changes on him.

I didn’t have time yet to read docs and code, or just testing, but I think I’ll try. It looks interesting project to me.

The other project I found was tbeta which is a project for providing a multi-pointer (or multi-touch) support via video input. Which means it emulating a multi-touch screen using video camera to see the pointers (e.g. the fingers).

That’s pretty interesting project as well… And it is not necessary expensive to use it. If you don’t believe me, watch this:

Multitouch Mini (MTmini) – My Cheap Multitouch Pad

More details about the video here

I hope you like those projects 🙂

UPDATED: Another friend (Luis) is working on this stuff and give me some nice links:

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