Yo dawg! I herd you like browsers, so i put a browser in your browser so you can browse while you browse.
Gtk+ HTML backend update
The last few days I spent fixing up some more details in the new HTML5 gdk backend. Not everything is supported yet (keyboard input in particular is very weak), but much more things work now. Even thought the backend is not of production quality it is now good enough that I think its interesting for a larger audience to play around with. So, today I merged the branch into the Gtk+ master branch (i.e. what will be Gtk+ 3.2).
The new multi-backends setup in Gtk+ 3.0 makes this much easier to test. All you have to do is build Gtk+ with –enable-x11-backend –enable-broadway-backend.This will give you a normal X11-based Gtk+ where you can enable the broadway backend at runtime by setting the GDK_BACKEND enviroment variable.
The backend only supports firefox 4 atm, and Mozilla disabled websockets by default, so you have to enable enable websockets for any input to work. However when this is done you can test any app by running:
GDK_BACKEND=broadway your-application& firefox
I recorded a small screencast to show this stuff: (webm source file here)
[vimeo width=”512″ height=”384″]http://vimeo.com/21062117[/vimeo]
Note that the recording is using a local connection, it will be slower over the network depending on the network bandwidth.
Gtk+ 3.0 html5 backend
I just landed the html5 backend for Gtk+ in git in the broadway branch of Gtk+.
It has several issues, as mentioned on the mailing list, but it does let people play with this code.
Gtk3 vs HTML5
The last few weeks I’ve been working on an interesting new idea, hacking out a prototype.
The code is not really clean enough for public consumption yet, and a bunch of features are missing. However, its now at the stage where it can be demoed and evaluated.
I think the best way to introduce it is via a video: (original theora file)
[vimeo width=”763″ height=”512″]http://vimeo.com/17132064[/vimeo]
Basically, its a backend for Gtk+ 3 that renders in a browser.
A more techincal description for the web geeks among us:
Each toplevel window is mapped to a canvas element, and the content in the windows is updated by streaming commands over a multipart/x-mixed-replace XMLHttpRequest that uses gzip Content-Encoding to compress the data. Window data is pushed as region copies (for scrolling) and image diffs. Images are sent as data: uris of uncompressed png data.
Input is gathered via dom events and sent to the server using websockets.
Right now this is Firefox 4 only, but it could be made to work in any browser with websockets.
Now, I want to know, Is this useful?
There are two basic ways to use this, you can either run your own apps on your own server and access it from anywhere (kinda like screen). Or you can put it on a public server that spawns a new instance of the app for every user (gimp on a webpage!).
If you had this technology, what cool stuff would you do with it? What apps would you run, and how would you use them?
Tracing glib
I saw a blog entry where Krishnan Parthasarathi at sun played with static dtrace probes in glib and it seemed like a really nice thing. Also, the systemtap developers at Red Hat continue to kick ass, and I’ve long wanted to play around with their work. This seemed like a great thing to try it out on.
I’m running Fedora 12 here, and it includes systemtap 1.0 and utrace, so it support the same kind of static probes that dtrace does (in fact, the markers are source compatible with dtrace). So, I wrote an initial set of dtrace/systemtap probes and a systemtap tapset (a library for easier using the probes in systemtap) for glib and gobject.
Its kind of limited atm, but it lets you trace memory allocation in glib, gobject lifecycle issues and signal emissions. Already this lets you do some pretty cool things, like this alive.stp:
global alive probe gobject.object_new { alive[type]++ } probe gobject.object_finalize { alive[type]-- } probe end { printf ("Alive objects: \n") foreach (a in alive) { if (alive[a] > 0) printf ("%d\t%s\n", alive[a], a) } }
Which you can run like this:
stap alive.stp -c "gedit /etc/passwd"
Giving something that starts:
Alive objects: 72 GParamObject 1 GdkDisplayManager 1 GdkDisplayX11 7 GParamPointer 17 GParamDouble 1 GdkScreenX11 ...
Another example is signals.stp which is a simple example to look at signal emissions:
probe gobject.signal_emit { printf("%s --> %p[%s]::%s\n", thread_indent(1), object, type, signal); } probe gobject.signal_emit_end { printf("%s <-- %p[%s]::%s\n", thread_indent(-1), object, type, signal); }
Some example output (again from gedit), shows how size allocation works for the main window:
14406 gedit(7492): --> 0x00000000021c2040[GeditWindow]::realize 14862 gedit(7492): <-- 0x00000000021c2040[GeditWindow]::realize 14872 gedit(7492): --> 0x00000000021c2040[GeditWindow]::check-resize 14881 gedit(7492): --> 0x00000000021c2040[GeditWindow]::size-request 14890 gedit(7492): --> 0x00000000021a2950[GtkVBox]::size-request 14899 gedit(7492): --> 0x000000000236f090[GtkHPaned]::size-request 14907 gedit(7492): --> 0x000000000236f190[GtkVPaned]::size-request 14915 gedit(7492): --> 0x0000000002378010[GeditNotebook]::size-request 14927 gedit(7492): --> 0x000000000235ac30[GeditTab]::size-request 14935 gedit(7492): --> 0x00000000023b79f0[GtkScrolledWindow]::size-request 14944 gedit(7492): --> 0x00000000023825c0[GtkHScrollbar]::size-request 14954 gedit(7492): <-- 0x00000000023825c0[GtkHScrollbar]::size-request 14963 gedit(7492): --> 0x0000000002382730[GtkVScrollbar]::size-request 14973 gedit(7492): <-- 0x0000000002382730[GtkVScrollbar]::size-request 14980 gedit(7492): <-- 0x00000000023b79f0[GtkScrolledWindow]::size-request 14987 gedit(7492): <-- 0x000000000235ac30[GeditTab]::size-request 14995 gedit(7492): --> 0x00000000023b9df0[GtkHBox]::size-request 15002 gedit(7492): <-- 0x00000000023b9df0[GtkHBox]::size-request 15009 gedit(7492): <-- 0x0000000002378010[GeditNotebook]::size-request 15015 gedit(7492): <-- 0x000000000236f190[GtkVPaned]::size-request 15021 gedit(7492): <-- 0x000000000236f090[GtkHPaned]::size-request 15028 gedit(7492): <-- 0x00000000021a2950[GtkVBox]::size-request 15034 gedit(7492): <-- 0x00000000021c2040[GeditWindow]::size-request 15044 gedit(7492): --> 0x00000000021c2040[GeditWindow]::size-allocate 15051 gedit(7492): --> 0x00000000021a2950[GtkVBox]::size-allocate 15060 gedit(7492): --> 0x000000000236f090[GtkHPaned]::size-allocate 15067 gedit(7492): --> 0x000000000236f190[GtkVPaned]::size-allocate 15075 gedit(7492): --> 0x0000000002378010[GeditNotebook]::size-allocate 15084 gedit(7492): --> 0x000000000235ac30[GeditTab]::size-allocate 15092 gedit(7492): --> 0x00000000023b79f0[GtkScrolledWindow]::size-allocate 15101 gedit(7492): <-- 0x00000000023b79f0[GtkScrolledWindow]::size-allocate 15107 gedit(7492): <-- 0x000000000235ac30[GeditTab]::size-allocate 15119 gedit(7492): --> 0x00000000023b9df0[GtkHBox]::size-allocate 15128 gedit(7492): <-- 0x00000000023b9df0[GtkHBox]::size-allocate 15134 gedit(7492): <-- 0x0000000002378010[GeditNotebook]::size-allocate 15140 gedit(7492): <-- 0x000000000236f190[GtkVPaned]::size-allocate 15146 gedit(7492): <-- 0x000000000236f090[GtkHPaned]::size-allocate 15153 gedit(7492): <-- 0x00000000021a2950[GtkVBox]::size-allocate 15159 gedit(7492): <-- 0x00000000021c2040[GeditWindow]::size-allocate 15165 gedit(7492): <-- 0x00000000021c2040[GeditWindow]::check-resize
This is really cool and useful stuff.
Unfortunately the current systemtap static marker implementation is a bit inefficient, so I wouldn’t at the moment enable this for a shipping production glib. However, this can and will be fixed (I even proposed some ideas of how to do this in the systemtap bugzilla).
New member in the family
On wednesday 19:13 (CET) my wife gave birth to a boy of 4.1 kg. Both mother and son are well.
So, I’ll be rather busy with non-computing things in the near future. Don’t expect replies or feedback from me.
GObject performance on 64bit arches
I just ran pahole on a Nautilus and got this:
struct _GObject { GTypeInstance g_type_instance; /* 0 8 */ volatile guint ref_count; /* 8 4 */ /* XXX 4 bytes hole, try to pack */ GData * qdata; /* 16 8 */ /* size: 24, cachelines: 1, members: 3 */ /* sum members: 20, holes: 1, sum holes: 4 */ /* last cacheline: 24 bytes */ }; /* definitions: 138 */
Obviously this is a 64bit machine, so the qdata has to be 64bit aligned, but the ref_counter is only 32 bit. This leaves us with 32 bit of unused space. And at the same time we do all sort of bad-ass slow atomic hacks to extract the low two bits of the qdata pointer.
We could easily use two of these bits instead of the qdata bits on 64bit machines, and avoid lots of unnecessary atomic complex handling of qdata. And we might be able to use these extra bits for other (non-mandatory) performance tricks.
The gospel of git: Interactive Rebase
Today I saw this in my scrollback buffer:
<believer1> so, I changed the patch to not break dbus proto, tested it ... problem is, that it is followed by the sftp bit ... what is the best practice? cherry-pick to the different branch apply and amend? or reset apply amend? <believer1> any special tricks? <believer2> checkout the commit you wanna edit into a different branch, change it, then rebase the original branch on top of it <believer2> i think that's what i always do <believer1> sounds reasonable
And it was good. These disciples are trying to follow the holy commandments of git, including the important:
Thou shalt keep a clean version history
However, while they are good of heart, doing the best they can, they are not properly enlightened on the book of rebase in the gospel of git. Fortunately such enlightenment is easily come by with some reading and training.
The first rule when it comes to rebases is:
Don’t fear the rebase
Rebasing is history rewriting operation, and most fear of the rebase come from the fear of losing ones history. This is only natural, after all those who lose their history are doomed to rewrite it again. However, once a change is comitted git never loses it (unless you manually gc which I recommend never doing). If you rewrite the history of a branch and the branch now points to this new history, the old commits and history are still stored in your .git directory. All you need to know is the sha1 id of the last commit before your rewrite and you can always access it. For instance, if you’re on a branch that you completely messed up you can get everything back using:
git reset --hard <old-sha1>
This will reset the current branch so that it points to the old history.
If you’re uncertain of how rewriting works and fear something will go wrong, just store away the previous commit which you can easily get using e.g. gitk (or using “git rev-parse HEAD” if you want to be hardcore). And, if you forgot to do this, things are not lost, you can use “git reflog” to find the old history.
So, having overcome our fear of the rebase, how does one actually use interactive rebasing in this case? The background is that you have a bunch of local commits on you branch, each implementing a small independent change (so called microcommits), but before this is applied or merged into a public repo you discover a bug in one of the changes in the middle of the series. It would be nice if such a bug was never visible in the final version history. What to do?
Typically what I do is commit the fix like usual, with a short commit message like “Fixed up the foobar change”. Then you start the interactive rebase using “git rebase -i origin“. This will bring up your chosen editor with a bunch of lines in them, looking something like this:
pick fa1afe1 Implement the foobar function pick 124efd3 Use the foobar function pick cafe123 Fixed up the foobar change
Each line corresponds to one commit on your branch that will be applied during the rebase. You can change the order of the lines to change the history order, or you can delete lines to drop certain commits. What we want to do here is move the fixup to just after the right commit and then change “pick” to “squash” (or just “s” for short) which will merge the two changes into one. So change it to this, save and exit:
pick fa1afe1 Implement the foobar function s cafe123 Fixed up the foobar change pick 124efd3 Use the foobar functionThis will bring up an editor with the commit messages for the first two commits which you edit (often just remove the second one), save and exit. Then the rest of the rebase is done and we end up with a clean history.
The true disciple of git always uses a local branch for each feature he works on, and then when it is done, it is merged into master and then pushed. I must confess that I sometimes sin here, doing minor feature development directly on master, rebasing to clean up and then just pushing that. Sometimes when I do this it turns out that the feature was more complicated than I expected and I didn’t finish it before I had to work on something else. If you end up in this situation its very nice to know that you can then create a branch afterwards by just doing:
git branch <branchname> git reset --hard origin/masterThis (if run on master branch with “origin” being the upstream repo) will create a new branch with the given name that contains your local changes, then it will change the master branch so that it points to what upstream points to, allowing you do do other work and return to the branch later.
gdb over irc
Python scripting in gdb 7.0 kicks total ass. Today I played around with one cool usecase for it: Remote debugging.
I don’t know how many times I have tried to help someone debug over irc, with the person cutting and pasteing gdb commands and results into xchat. Well, no more! Today I hacked up a gdb python script and an xchat python script that lets you export a gdb session over irc:
From gdb:
(gdb) source gdb-server.py gdb irc server, Waiting for connection on /tmp/gdb-socket-500
In xchat:
> /load ~/xchat-gdb.py Loaded xchat-gdb > /join #test > /gdb connect connecting to gdb... connected!
Loggin in as another user on irc:
> /join #test > alex: gdb print "yey" <alex> $6 = "yey" > alex: gdb bt 2 <alex> #0 0x00000035010d50d3 in *__GI___poll (fds=<value optimized out>, nfds=<value optimized out>, timeout=-1) at .. +/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/poll.c:87 <alex> #1 0x00007ffff52f96cc in g_main_context_poll (n_fds=<value optimized out>, fds=<value optimized out>, +priority=<value optimized out>, timeout=<value optimized out>, context=<value optimized out>) at gmain.c:2904
Obviously this is kinda unsafe as you can do all sorts of things via gdb. It needs to be able to limit who can control your gdb instance, and you should only give such permissions to people you trust.
Git repo here, have fun with it.
archer gdb macros for glib
The Archer project is working on modernizing gdb. One aspec of this is support for scripting gdb using python. Today I landed some python macros for gdb that makes debugger integration with glib/gobject much nicer.
This is best shown by a “screencast” showing the new features. If you’ve ever debugged a glib program, read the below carefully. If not, it won’t make much sense to you, sorry.
(gdb) # Welcome to the glib macros demo (gdb) # We support pretty printing of lists: (gdb) l toplevel_list 296 static GtkKeyHash *gtk_window_get_key_hash (GtkWindow *window); 297 static void gtk_window_free_key_hash (GtkWindow *window); 298 static void gtk_window_on_composited_changed (GdkScreen *screen, 299 GtkWindow *window); 300 301 static GSList *toplevel_list = NULL; 302 static guint window_signals[LAST_SIGNAL] = { 0 }; 303 static GList *default_icon_list = NULL; 304 static gchar *default_icon_name = NULL; 305 static guint default_icon_serial = 0; (gdb) p toplevel_list $1 = 0x84d7218 = {0x842f468, 0x842f3b8, 0x842f308, 0x842f258, 0x842f1a8, 0x842f0f8, 0x842f048, 0x8370710, 0x8370660, 0x83705b0, 0x8370500, 0x8370450, 0x83703a0, 0x83702f0, 0x8370240, 0x8370190, 0x83700e0, 0x8370030, 0x8349088} (gdb) # And hashtables: (gdb) l g_quark_ht 88 G_LOCK_DEFINE_STATIC (g_dataset_global); 89 static GHashTable *g_dataset_location_ht = NULL; 90 static GDataset *g_dataset_cached = NULL; /* should this be 91 threadspecific? */ 92 G_LOCK_DEFINE_STATIC (g_quark_global); 93 static GHashTable *g_quark_ht = NULL; 94 static gchar **g_quarks = NULL; 95 static GQuark g_quark_seq_id = 0; 96 97 /* --- functions --- */ (gdb) p g_quark_ht $2 = 0x8220a30 = { [0x824db08 "draw-border"] = 0x97, [0x83bdc38 "<Actions>/IconViewActions/Sort by Size"] = 0x962, [0x3970905 "custom-success"] = 0x414, [0x83c0878 "<Actions>/DirViewActions/OpenFolderWindow"] = 0x8df, [0x2a9d6bb "tooltip-text"] = 0x107, [0x82c0648 "audio_%d"] = 0x50c, [0x83af728 "zoom_level_changed"] = 0x7e6, [0x83c1210 "Empty Trash"] = 0x8e6, [0x83584a0 "GdkPixmap"] = 0x76c, [0x83298d0 "soup"] = 0x61f, [0x82e4a58 "gio"] = 0x568, [0x83c2600 "<Actions>/DirViewActions/Create Link"] = 0x8f9, [0x835bca0 "MimeTypes"] = 0x6ed, [0x81c221d "NautilusIconInfo"] = 0x7bb, [0x2b2ff13 "gtk-file-chooser-backend"] = 0x84, [0x82edee8 "audio/x-shorten"] = 0x5a6, [0x82b9e08 "GstAllocTraceFlags"] = 0x498, [0x8307798 "videotestsrc"] = 0x5ee, [0x82cc6c0 "tcp"] = 0x529, [0x81a3dda "NautilusBookmarkList"] = 0x733, [0xc76e26 "dirname"] = 0x350, [0x2b1f004 "gtk-menu-bar-accel"] = 0x66, [0x8267da8 "GstObjectFlags"] = 0x461, [0x82bea88 "http://farsight.sf.net"] = 0x500, [0x835bbf8 "FileSystems"] = 0x6ec, [0x82b8bd0 "GstDebugColorFlags"] = 0x481, [0x81c564d "EggSMClient"] = 0x2b3, [0x83b6528 "band-select-ended"] = 0x84f, [0xc685fd "GFile"] = 0x318, [0x83bcb80 "row-reordered"] = 0x8ac, [0x8320628 "liveadder"] = 0x60f, [0x825c870 "drag_failed"] = 0x171, [0x825d8e0 "gnome_disable_sound_events"] = 0xd6, [0x2b4f420 "grab-focus"] = 0x129, [0x83c4c20 "<Actions>/DirViewActions/Self Format Volume"] = 0x91d, [0x2b3889d "x"] = 0x817, [0x2a92cc0 "y"] = 0x818, [0x2b2a535 "color-hash"] = 0x83, [0x2b3c0e6 "mask"] = 0x76f, [0x8343360 "<Actions>/ShellActions/Zoom Normal"] = 0x711, [0x83cd8b0 "<Actions>/IconViewActions/Tighter Layout"] = 0x956, [0x2b4f28a "gtk-pango-context"] = 0xea, [0x82ec370 "application/x-gzip"] = 0x58f, ---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---q Quit (gdb) # We also have a cool gforeach command: (gdb) gforeach i in toplevel_list: print ((GtkWindow *)$i) $3 = 0x842f468 [GtkWindow] $4 = 0x842f3b8 [GtkWindow] $5 = 0x842f308 [GtkWindow] $6 = 0x842f258 [GtkWindow] $7 = 0x842f1a8 [GtkWindow] $8 = 0x842f0f8 [GtkWindow] $9 = 0x842f048 [GtkWindow] $10 = 0x8370710 [GtkWindow] $11 = 0x8370660 [GtkWindow] $12 = 0x83705b0 [GtkWindow] $13 = 0x8370500 [GtkWindow] $14 = 0x8370450 [GtkWindow] $15 = 0x83703a0 [GtkWindow] $16 = 0x83702f0 [GtkWindow] $17 = 0x8370240 [GtkWindow] $18 = 0x8370190 [GtkWindow] $19 = 0x83700e0 [GtkWindow] $20 = 0x8370030 [GtkWindow] $21 = 0x8349088 [NautilusSpatialWindow] (gdb) gforeach i in toplevel_list: print ((GtkWindow *)$i)->title $22 = (gchar *) 0x0 $23 = (gchar *) 0x0 $24 = (gchar *) 0x0 $25 = (gchar *) 0x0 $26 = (gchar *) 0x0 $27 = (gchar *) 0x0 $28 = (gchar *) 0x0 $29 = (gchar *) 0x0 $30 = (gchar *) 0x0 $31 = (gchar *) 0x0 $32 = (gchar *) 0x0 $33 = (gchar *) 0x0 $34 = (gchar *) 0x0 $35 = (gchar *) 0x0 $36 = (gchar *) 0x0 $37 = (gchar *) 0x0 $38 = (gchar *) 0x0 $39 = (gchar *) 0x0 $40 = (gchar *) 0x83d0200 "alex" (gdb) # There is also some nice GObject integration features: (gdb) break gtk_widget_size_allocate Breakpoint 1 at 0x29ff265: file gtkwidget.c, line 3821. (gdb) c Continuing. [Thread 0xb71ffb70 (LWP 2599) exited] Breakpoint 1, IA__gtk_widget_size_allocate (widget=0x8349088 [NautilusSpatialWindow], allocation=0xbfffe914) at gtkwidget.c:3821 3821 { (gdb) # Notice the runtime detected type of the instance (gdb) c Continuing. Breakpoint 1, IA__gtk_widget_size_allocate (widget=0x8313d38 [GtkTable], allocation=0xbfffe460) at gtkwidget.c:3821 3821 { (gdb) c Continuing. Breakpoint 1, IA__gtk_widget_size_allocate (widget=0x8365c70 [GtkVBox], allocation=0xbfffe048) at gtkwidget.c:3821 3821 { (gdb) c Continuing. Breakpoint 1, IA__gtk_widget_size_allocate (widget=0x8365d20 [GtkVBox], allocation=0xbfffdc08) at gtkwidget.c:3821 3821 { (gdb) # This is gonna be a long hairy backtrace, right? NO! (gdb) new-backtrace #0 gtk_widget_size_allocate (widget=0x8365d20 [GtkVBox], allocation=0xbfffdc08) at gtkwidget.c:3821 #1 0x027dcb19 in gtk_box_size_allocate (widget=<value optimized out>, allocation=<value optimized out>) at gtkbox.c:500 #2 0x00a180ac in g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__BOXED (closure=0x8249ad0, return_value=0x0, n_param_values=2, param_values= 0x8535e78, invocation_hint=0xbfffddc0, marshal_data=0x27dc850) at gmarshal.c:566 #3 <...> #4 <...> #5 <...> #6 <...> #7 <emit signal size-allocate on instance 0x8365c70 [GtkVBox]> #8 0x029ff3da in gtk_widget_size_allocate (widget=<value optimized out>, allocation=<value optimized out>) at gtkwidget.c:3887 #9 0x0295b625 in gtk_table_size_allocate_pass2 (table=<value optimized out>) at gtktable.c:1610 #10 0x0295b625 in gtk_table_size_allocate (table=<value optimized out>) at gtktable.c:849 #11 0x00a180ac in g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__BOXED (closure=0x8249ad0, return_value=0x0, n_param_values=2, param_values= 0x85956f0, invocation_hint=0xbfffe200, marshal_data=0x295abd0) at gmarshal.c:566 #12 <...> #13 <...> #14 <...> #15 <...> #16 <emit signal size-allocate on instance 0x8313d38 [GtkTable]> #17 0x029ff3da in gtk_widget_size_allocate (widget=<value optimized out>, allocation=<value optimized out>) at gtkwidget.c:3887 #18 0x02a14b39 in gtk_window_size_allocate (widget=<value optimized out>, allocation=<value optimized out>) at gtkwindow.c:4941 #19 0x00a180ac in g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__BOXED (closure=0x8249ad0, return_value=0x0, n_param_values=2, param_values= 0x859bc28, invocation_hint=0xbfffe610, marshal_data=0x2a149f0) at gmarshal.c:566 #20 <...> #21 <...> #22 <...> #23 <...> #24 <emit signal size-allocate on instance 0x8349088 [NautilusSpatialWindow]> #25 0x029ff3da in gtk_widget_size_allocate (widget=<value optimized out>, allocation=<value optimized out>) at gtkwidget.c:3887 #26 0x02a15044 in gtk_window_move_resize (window=<value optimized out>) at gtkwindow.c:6186 #27 0x02a15044 in gtk_window_check_resize (window=<value optimized out>) at gtkwindow.c:5358 #28 0x00a17994 in g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID (closure=0x8262b68, return_value=0x0, n_param_values=1, param_values= 0x8535700, invocation_hint=0xbfffeae0, marshal_data=0x2a14b50) at gmarshal.c:77 #29 <...> #30 <...> #31 <...> #32 <...> #33 <emit signal check-resize on instance 0x8349088 [NautilusSpatialWindow]> #34 0x028176ba in gtk_container_check_resize (container=<value optimized out>) at gtkcontainer.c:1424 #35 0x028179f2 in gtk_container_idle_sizer (data=<value optimized out>) at gtkcontainer.c:1350 #36 0x002c3588 in gdk_threads_dispatch (data=<value optimized out>) at gdk.c:506 #37 0x00929382 in g_idle_dispatch (source=0x8557f20, callback=0x8365d20, user_data=0x83548c0) at gmain.c:4065 #38 0x0092b198 in g_main_dispatch (context=<value optimized out>) at gmain.c:1960 #39 0x0092b198 in g_main_context_dispatch (context=<value optimized out>) at gmain.c:2513 #40 0x0092eac8 in g_main_context_iterate (context=0x8247f90, block=<value optimized out>, dispatch=1, self= 0x821f018) at gmain.c:2591 #41 0x0092ef3f in g_main_loop_run (loop=0x8291758) at gmain.c:2799 #42 0x028b7129 in gtk_main () at gtkmain.c:1205 #43 0x0807e923 in g_themed_icon_append_name () at gthemedicon.c:378 #44 0x0071ab36 in __libc_start_main (main=0x807e2c0 <g_themed_icon_append_name+86084>, argc=1, ubp_av=0xbffff154, init= 0x81a3180, fini=0x81a3170, rtld_fini=0x6efd00 <_dl_fini>, stack_end=0xbffff14c) at libc-start.c:220 #45 0x080692b1 in g_themed_icon_append_name () at gthemedicon.c:378
The above was recorded using a stock rawhide (to be Fedora 12) gdb and glib (including debuginfo packages), with just the python macros added. It also works with the gdb shipping in Fedora 11, but there is some issue there that makes the gforeach macro crash gdb. Additionally, the VTA work that landed in the GCC in Fedora 12 makes what gdb reports much more reliable wrt optimizations, which is very nice for e.g. the backtrace filtering.