Project Ridle^H^H^H^H^HGiggity!

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There’s been some interest in getting some of the features from Christian Hammond’s awesome libsexy merged into GTK+, and I’m happy to report that some progress is finally being made on this. I just committed support for icons in entries into GTK+ a few minutes ago, and this will be available in GTK+ 2.16. This is based on SexyIconEntry, but supports some additional cool features that weren’t in SexyIconEntry. Some new things:

  • Set icons from pixbufs, stock items, GIcons, and icon names
  • Control sensitivity of each icon
  • Tooltips on icons
  • Drag and drop with icons

It’s also more memory efficient now, allocating the data and subwindows on demand. This is important since the new feature has been merged into GtkEntry itself rather than providing a new widget, and would more than double the size of every GtkEntry otherwise.

Thanks to everyone who helped: Matthias Clasen (tooltips, drag/drop support, patch review), Emanuele Bassi (review), Ross Burton (review), Christian Dywan (review, testing in Midori browser), and of course to Christian Hammond for making SexyIconEntry!

Project Ridley doesn’t explicitly mention libsexy, so I hereby create a new project specifically for merging libsexy features: Project Giggity!

Next I want to finish working on URL labels, like SexyUrlLabel.

Project Giggity

Project Giggity