Conduit Rises Again?

September 23, 2010

The recent earthquake, and subsequent closing of university for 10 days gave me the opportunity to finish off some of the work I had started on Conduit, but never found the motivation nor time to finish. In bullet point form, this work included

  1. Removal of HAL
    All hardware discovery is now done using udev (and the Python gudev bindings)
  2. Removal of  last traces of gnomevfs
    All file access now uses GIO. and GIO exclusively. Volume and mount detection is now handled by gio.VolumeMonitor
  3. Much cleanup and removal of old code
    gtkmozembed support was dropped, now checks for all dependencies, fixes and tidy ups of DBus interface
  4. Shotwell support
    Support for this wonderful photo manager was contributed by  Nathaniel Harward

Changes are in git. The main reason for all these changes is that now I have an iPhone. I have merged the iPhone module, and have varying degrees of success synchronizing Photos, Notes and Calendar items to/from Evolution and the device. Much credit for this work goes to Martin Szulecki and the rest of the libimobiledevice team.

Some work is already committed in the git iphone branch, more shall be committed when I finish it.

Conduit iPhone Synchronization