0.3.1, the polished alpha release
October 23, 2006
Hi all,
I’m very happy to announce you the availibility of Gnome Scan 0.3.1. This version is what should have been Gnome Scan 0.3. A lot of bugs has been fixed. Translations are uptodate in french, deutsch and catalan. The data receiving process has been review in order to support Grey, RGB and three-pass acquisition (e.g. all red then all blue then all green data). I intend to support multiple depth in the future. Note that the final result will always be a GdkPixbuf with its limitations : 8bit per sample, RGB only, etc. But choosing lower depth or different colorspace allow to fasten acquisition, and more.
This version include a filled NEWS file for maintainers. Sadly, svn log wasn’t able to output all changelog, need to investigate more in order to get a good ChangeLog file.