Updated Ubuntu Packages using Launchpad PPA
September 25, 2007
Hi everyone,
For a few days, i’ve been working on packaging properly babl, gegl and gnome-scan for the new PPA launchpad service. Finally, i got a good packaging and a usable version of Gnome Scan. So no packages for 0.5.2, i provide latest SVN version ! Here you are :
- deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/bersace/ubuntu gutsy universe
- deb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/bersace/ubuntu gutsy universe
- Update: For debian unstable i386 : deb http://sadleder.de/debian/ ./
Thanks to PPA, packages are available for amd64 too. No powerpc (yet ?) nor GPG signed archive (obviously). Along with the availibility of my PPA, i will remove my archive at bersace03.free.fr . Philip Sadleder still provide a repos for debian based on my own debianization. Thanks Philip !
PPA is just an anti-chambre to universe. I really want to see gnome-scan 0.6 in Hardy for several reasons including :
- Hardy will be a LTS, so having a decent gnome-scan version is important.
- There is a blueprint spec “make-xsane-user-friendly“.
- Since Gnome Scan now follow Gnome Schedule, it will provide 0.6 in time before upstream version freeze.
Also, i wish other distro will update or include gnome-scan. Foresight still provide an outdate version of Gnome Scan (IIRC 0.3.1), i had no news about Fedora (just saw some 0.4 package in Extras), etc.
Anyway, go test it and report bugs ! đŸ˜€
Update: beware, flegita-gimp is known to provoke heavy memleaks if you acquire (preview works).
Cheers !