Last week I sat down and implemented some of the gnome-control-center mockups for GNOME 3.

This is the screen mockup, which as the name suggests, is all the settings related to the screen.

We’ve also made the power panel much, much easier to use. All the power-user settings are still available in GSettings, if you’re the geeky sort who likes to tweak. The conclusion we’ve come to, is that we should fix drivers, rather than provide workarounds for hardware bugs in the UI.
This is all available right now if you compile using jhbuild, and will be available in Fedora rawhide soon.
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Richard has over 10 years of experience developing open source software. He is the maintainer of GNOME Software, PackageKit, GNOME Packagekit, GNOME Power Manager, GNOME Color Manager, colord, and UPower and also contributes to many other projects and opensource standards. Richard has three main areas of interest on the free desktop, color management, package management, and power management.
Richard graduated a few years ago from the University of Surrey with a Masters in Electronics Engineering. He now works for Red Hat in the desktop group, and also manages a company selling open source calibration equipment. Richard's outside interests include taking photos and eating good food.
View all posts by hughsie
Will you still provide all the graphs? They’re terribly useful and make battery control on GNOME uncomparably better than what Windows provides.
Yup, you just click the battery icons in the shell area to get gnome-power-statistics like normal.
“Lock” by itself as a section heading doesn’t seem particularly intuitive. “Screen Lock” instead, perhaps?
Also, “Shutdown” should be “Shut Down” (verb form, rather than noun form) for “When the power button is pressed”. Looks nice otherwise!
Great and sweet (I like the “Lokation” variable to change the behavior of the laptop),
But on screen options we lost resolution, orientation, double-screen mode and second screen?
Hmm what about dimming settings? gsettings only?
Oh dimming is in the screen config page… but not separate for ac/battery…
And some any questions:
– We lost option to spin down hard drives. It’s activated by default?
– We don’t have a button “Show power historic” for show charge, uncharge, etc of all batteries (laptop, mouse, keyboard) ?
Spindown is now enabled by default, and you can get the graphs from the battery shell menu.
Ok, thanks.
Good job. ^_^
(But I think a button “Power Historic” to power section on Control Center are good too XD)
Woo! You rock, Richard! Few things in there that could be tweaked… I’ll be in touch about that. ;)
Looks boss.
Any plans to use an on/off widget like the on in the top right of the following screenshot for the screensaver lock?
Sure! I’m not sure how to construct that in the glade file but if you send me a link I’ll make it so.
*cough* a11y *cough* :)
I love the whole window theme! And I agree with Philip’s comments otherwise :)
What about the screen lid (in laptops)?
Suspend on AC, hibernate on battery. Tweakable in GSettings.
Interesting choice for defaults. I’d suspend on battery, do nothing on AC. I guess I’m “different”.
And for ”laptop screen closed” options or if we want to lock, or not, screen when it is turned off ? Only on GSettings ?
We’ve not yet hashed out the lock options. Ideas welcome.
On Screen options, the “Lock screen after:” setting can have an option “after the screen are turned OFF” in addition to “1 minute”, “5 minutes”, “Never”, etc.
Or a simple check box, on bottom of “Lock screen after:” setting, named “Lock screen atomaticaly after it are turned off”. Wuth this we can have auto lock with 2 conditions (time and screen off).
Great work! :)
Can you add feature to gnome power manager that when the lid is closed and only external display is on that it wouldn’t do anything? And when both external and internal display are on, internal gets turned off and external stays on? In current 2.32.1 the behavior is odd and sometimes it turns off external one, sometimes internal one, sometimes both (and this even happens when “Do nothing” is selected in gconf).
why are the images on this article incorrectly resized?
Not sure, it only happens if you use the default theme. Using a planet feed they are correct.
How about move the battery status icon to the right hand side adjacent to all options?
You need to talk to the designers for that :)
An other question:
Any plan for GPU selector?
Looks too primitive. Where is search box?
What “All Settings” button means? Are these widows modal? You can’t open several setting windows?
It’s all part of an integrated control center experience. I urge you to try it, if you can. It’s really much better than lots of different caplets popping up on the screen.
It sounds like a clone of the Mac OS control panel.
I’d move the batttery image to the right of all the controls, since you have the space.
Also, provide a button to the graphs from this interface. Or a link to the “battery settings” if there is such a page.
I don’t see any options for lid close / open. Where did they go? I need to configure these events.
Why do you need to configure this?