colord 1.0.0

In a world where so many open source projects never get to version 1.0, I’ve just announced colord 1.0.0. See the archives for the release announcement and the FAQ for details about the new numbering scheme.

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Richard has over 10 years of experience developing open source software. He is the maintainer of GNOME Software, PackageKit, GNOME Packagekit, GNOME Power Manager, GNOME Color Manager, colord, and UPower and also contributes to many other projects and opensource standards. Richard has three main areas of interest on the free desktop, color management, package management, and power management. Richard graduated a few years ago from the University of Surrey with a Masters in Electronics Engineering. He now works for Red Hat in the desktop group, and also manages a company selling open source calibration equipment. Richard's outside interests include taking photos and eating good food.

2 thoughts on “colord 1.0.0”

  1. News of this release prompted the following question in the Phoronix forum:

    “Does Linux, DRM, DRI,, Wayland support deep color?
    Colors more than 8 bits per channel?
    Like 10-bit colors or 12-bit colors.
    Like monitors panels and graphics card with 30-bit, 36-bit, 48-bit bpp.

    Does it support scRGB and xvYCC?”

    I’m not the author of the question but I’m also curious to know the answer.

    1. Lots of graphics cards support more than 8-bit color, but the problem you’ll have is the output. You have to pay a lot of money for a display that has > 8 bit panel that doesn’t use some kind of dithering.

      scRGB and xyYCC are just color spaces, and I’m not sure how much support the former has in an ICC workflow. I know LCMS2 can work unbounded, but the question is like asking “does my car support driving to London” — colord will tell the application/program what profile to use and then it’s up to it to actually do the transform from on space to another.

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