Fedora art post F7

Now, what's with the artwork for Fedora recently? I've been looking at some of my old screenshots of RH9 and FC1 and they left me wondering… why did the old version look so much more clean, neat and professional than the new versions?

Balloons everywhere?

Now, I've got nothing against air balloons, but it's hardly the most professional of images to be the default for rhgb, GDM, grub, and the default wallpaper. What about some sleek new lines for F8?

The cynic inside of me would say that RHEL is kept more professional as it's not the product that being given away for free. Also, some of the Echo icons are nice, but I really think the Tango theme is much more professional. Comments?

Buttons that are supposed to work…

Okay. In playing with this laptop some more, I'm trying to fix the suspend and hibernate keyboard buttons. Suspend is activated using Fn+F4 and hibernate Fn+F12. Or at least that's what they are meant to do.

I'm getting the following in my dmesg:

atkbd.c: Unknown key pressed (translated set 2, code 0x97 on isa0060/serio0).
atkbd.c: Use 'setkeycodes e017 <keycode>' to make it known.
atkbd.c: Unknown key released (translated set 2, code 0x97 on isa0060/serio0).
atkbd.c: Use 'setkeycodes e017 <keycode>' to make it known.

atkbd.c: Unknown key pressed (translated set 2, code 0x98 on isa0060/serio0).
atkbd.c: Use 'setkeycodes e018 <keycode>' to make it known.
atkbd.c: Unknown key released (translated set 2, code 0x98 on isa0060/serio0).
atkbd.c: Use 'setkeycodes e018 <keycode>' to make it known.

Now, I know I could hack up something involving rc.local and setkeycodes but what's the real way to fix this so it works out of the box for people? This is on Fedora Core Rawhide. Either post a comment or email me at richard_at_hughsie_dot_com please.


Ohh! Pretty pictures!

My Lenovo 300 N100 is causing problems again. When I press Fn-F7 to switch output video modes the output is like below on the laptop TFT, blinking from red to pale blue:

Ohh! Pretty pictures!

The analogue VGA output does sort-of work, when set to 1024×768 (rather than a widescreen mode) but I can never get the TFT display back to normal, even with repeated Fn-F7's.

Anyone seen this before? I've tried the latest nv and nouveau DDX. Needless to say, this has never worked on Linux for me, and always worked with Windows XP.


Spot the absent minded typo:

rpm -e rpm -e –nodeps ConsoleKit-libs


#rpm -Uvh rpm-4.4.2-40.fc7.i386.rpm
/bin/rpm: No such file or directory…

. I think I've just blown my feet off. Now, where's that backup…

Hey hey hey!!! Many thanks to darktama and all the guys in #nouveau for all the help getting this far!

git drm, dri and ddx with custom ctx_init

A sign of progress

A sign of progress. Trust me: it now better than hard-locking my system, which is what nouveau_dri did repeatedly yesterday. Next step is working out GRCTX so we can get some actual gears…

glxgears with git drm(+patches), dri and ddx on nv46…

Playing with fire, well, mesa…

I've been playing with drm, xorg and mesa. Mesa is really fun to build, with the most unusual build system I've used in a long time. You actually have to add and remove stuff from the Makefiles to actually get git to build. I've sent four patches the the mailing list just for build fixes.

I've got a nice shiny SRPM of current mesa git, although I'm getting some interesting hard crashes using the new nouveau_dri. It's amazing the nouveau guys have got so much working in such a short amount of time, although I think I need to read some more code before I can contribute even fixes to the 3D stuff.

Ohh, and for other GeForce Go 7300 owners the driver now works really well for 2D (use drm from git), but run a journaling file system if you want to try 3D… Would there be any interest if I set up a Fedora 7 repository for git snapshots of drm, dri and ddx for nouveau testing?

Copying code from Linux to OpenBSD

I've just seen this article. I have read the entire thread, and am really horrified with the response of a couple of OpenBSD developers, especially Theo de Raadt who seems very, well, I'll leave the the adjective up to you.

I would be really angry if somebody copied chunks of my GPL code and then re-licensed it without my name on it. I would say Michael Buesch took a very aggressive stance, but I think I would do exactly the same in that situation.

I really hope Theo de Raadt doesn't represent the majority of OpenBSD developers.

Lots of profiles should use GConf?

GNOME Power Manager stores different profiles depending on the serial numbers of the batteries inserted into the laptop. This means we can profile separately, and still provide accurate times when the user only has the second battery inserted “some of the time“.

At the moment, I'm creating two 4Kb comma separated value files for each profile, one for discharge and one for charge, e.g. :

The filename thus becomes profile-3658Q-1234A-charging.csv if we have two batteries inserted.

So, quick question: Should I be using GConf for this? I was under the impression that creating gconf keys with no schema is frowned upon. Is it quicker or more efficient to use GConf over direct file access?