Mon 26 Feb 2001

  • hacking (AisleRiot2): Spent most of the day hacking on AR2. Dunno where the day went. Anyway, I fleshed out a lot more of the design, and even added cool slot types. I took a screenshot at of 5 slots: They are (from left to right) Normal, Invisible, Stock, Stock (no more redeals) and Waste. Additionally, there is a slot with a row of cards below, but as I’m not actually drawing the cards yet, you can’t see anything. It’s sizing correctly, though.

    I need to get a vector drawing of the 4 suits for those slot types. That would rock really hard! Unfortunately, my artistic skills were stretched by those simple geometric shapes.

    I’m getting really tired of the terracotta background image, but it’s a good test.

  • Web (AisleRiot2): Zana started working on a webpage for AisleRiot. It’s not really pretty yet, but hopefully we can turn it into something.

  • Luck (Fortune cookie): Got a fortune from a fortune cookie yesterday that said “Now is the time to go buy stocks.” Freaky.