This weekend (May 1th and 2th) at the Yaco’s offices at Seville (Spain) will hold the next GNOME Hispano meeting.
Here will be a bunch of Spanish hackers talking about GNOME technologies and having fun.
The program is ready so we will talking about:
- DesktopCouch by Rodrigo Moya
- Git for GNOME developers by Carlos García (Kal)
- Multi-touch support in GNOME by Carlos Garnacho
- Gjs for begginers by Lorenzo Gil (lgs)
But we will be also talking about a11y on GNOME and how to coordinate the efforts we (Yaco and Emergya) are doing with some projects that are being paid by the Consortium Fernando de los Rios for the Knowledge and Information Society with the GNOME a11y developers.
Here’ll be also Dani García (danigm) a friend who was working with us at Emergya and now is working with our friends of Yaco, to show us his project TBO, a GTK+ app for designing and creating comic strips from GNOME. The idea is that he could present the project and the rest of hackers make sugestions so the project will be fully GNOME friendly.
This could be a good help for those who want to start their own project for GNOME and don’t know exactly how do it right.
Well, I hope to see a lot of good hackers and friends there.
See you on friday night for the warm up 😉