git to the resque – gimme back my bytes

Long time no blog – but I’ll make it short even so 🙂

Just a tip that might come in handy for those who haven’t found it out on their own


[kmaraas@e4300 gtk+-2(gtk-2-24 *)]$ du -h


379M    .
[kmaraas@e4300 gtk+-2 (gtk-2-24 *)]$ git gc
Counting objects: 298483, done.
Delta compression using up to 2 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (50306/50306), done.
Writing objects: 100% (298483/298483), done.
Total 298483 (delta 252603), reused 293574 (delta 247802)
Checking connectivity: 298483, done.

[kmaraas@e4300 gtk+-2(gtk-2-24 *)]$ du -h

293M    .

That’s 90 MB for free…