This is a public service announcement! The modern SoupSession class is secure by default, but the older, deprecated SoupSessionSync and SoupSessionAsync subclasses of SoupSession are not. If your code uses SoupSessionSync or SoupSessionAsync and does not set SoupSession:tls-database, SoupSession:ssl-use-system-ca-file, or SoupSession:ssl-ca-file, then you get no TLS certificate verification. This is almost always worth requesting a CVE. …
Category Archives: TLS
Disrupted CVE Assignment Process
Due to an invalid TLS certificate on MITRE’s CVE request form, I have — ironically — been unable to request a new CVE for a TLS certificate verification vulnerability for a couple weeks now. (Note: this vulnerability does not affect WebKit and I’m only aware of one vulnerable application, so impact is limited; follow the …
Epiphany 3.20
So, what’s new in Epiphany 3.20? First off: overlay scrollbars. Because web sites have the ability to style their scrollbars (which you’ve probably noticed on Google sites), WebKit embedders cannot use a normal GtkScrolledWindow to display content; instead, WebKit has to paint the scrollbars itself. Hence, when overlay scrollbars appeared in GTK+ 3.16, WebKit applications …
Do you trust this package?
Your distribution’s package manager probably uses GPG signature checking to provide an extremely strong guarantee that the software packages you download have not been maliciously modified by a man in the middle (MITM) attacker when traveling over the Internet from your distribution to you. Smaller distros might have no such infrastructure in place (these distros …
Do you trust this application?
Much of the software you use is riddled with security vulnerabilities. Anyone who reads Matthew Garrett knows that most proprietary software is a lost cause. Some Linux advocates claim that free software is more secure than proprietary software, but it’s an open secret that tons of popular desktop Linux applications have many known, unfixed vulnerabilities. I rarely …
Do you trust this website?
TLS certificate validation errors are much less common on today’s Internet than they used to be, but you can still expect to run into them from time to time. Thanks to a decade of poor user interface decisions by web browsers (only very recently fixed in major browsers), users do not understand TLS and think it’s OK …
On Subresource Certificate Validation
Ryan Castellucci has a quick read on subresource certificate validation. It is accurate; I fixed this shortly after joining Igalia. (Update: This was actually in response to a bug report from him.) Run his test to see if your browser is vulnerable. Epiphany, Xombrero, Opera Mini and Midori […] were loading subresources, such as scripts, …
Stop using RC4
A follow up of my previous post: in response to my letter, NIST is going to increase the CVSS score of CVE-2013-2566 (RC4) to match CVE-2011-3389 (BEAST). Yay! In other news, WebKitGTK+ 2.8 has full support for RFC 7465. That’s a fancy way of saying that we will no longer negotiate RC4 connections and you will now be unable to access …
RC4 vs. BEAST: which is worse?
RFC 7465 has been published, and in a perfect world it would spell doom for the use of RC4 in TLS. But, spoiler alert, the theme of this blog is that there are tons of problems with TLS that your browser either cannot or willfully will not protect you against — major browser vendors love … is fixed is no longer broken. That’s a relatively good reaction time to the problem. Unfortunately, I’ve seen no talk of change in NSS to prevent sites from making similar mistakes in the future, and they are out of medium Fedora T-shirts.