我的~/.vimrc 保存下来作为备份

" General
filetype on         " detect the type of file
filetype plugin on " load filetype plugins

" Theme/Colors
syntax on           " syntax highlighting on
colorscheme ron     " colorscheme for black background

" Visual Cues
set showmatch       " show matching brackets
set hlsearch
set incsearch

" Text Formatting/Layout
set autoindent
set smartindent
set formatoptions=tcqrmM1
"give a indent when typing ‘#’
inoremap # X #
set tabstop=4       " TAB means 4 spaces
set shiftwidth=4    "
set expandtab       " replace TAB by SPACE

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6 Responses to 我的~/.vimrc 保存下来作为备份

  1. jackzhaoyu says:


  2. dream1123 says:

    hehe 不知道你用不用 vim 这个编辑器,有时间可以多了解一下,就能明白上面的配置文件是什么意思了

  3. cocobear says:


  4. dream1123 says:

    hehe 目前没有网盘啊,不知道哪个好一点,有什么推荐吗?

  5. COCOBEAR says:


  6. dream1123 says:


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