Voted… last week :-)

Thanks to Oregon’s vote by mail system.. I turned in my vote early.  This is an especially great election as this is the first time my wife will be able to vote in a presidential election.  We had a great time picking what we wanted to vote yes or no to in the various bills.  Oregon makes it so easy to do that.

I spent quite a bit of time canvassing for my president of choice.  I don’t  precisely do it to support my candidate, but like the candidates themselves I learn something about the people we share our country with.  I get to listen to their stories, their hardships, their lives.  It’s very inspiring especially when they open up and tell me why their voting.  I talked to someone recently, a grandmother who was working at a hospital across town and has to get up at 5am so she can make it on time.  She’s  about 72 years old and she tells me she’s doing it so that she can support her grandson in med school and that’s why she’s sending money but can’t volunteer.

It’s my first time getting involved in a campaign.  (I’m purposely not telling you who it is because it’ll detract from what I’m trying to say)  and it feels good to be involved and informed.  I’m proud to live here.  Oregonians rock.

It’s been raining continously for the past couple of days.  Today it was blue skies and sunshine.  It’s going to be a beautiful day.  Cheers.

GNOME 2.24 release!!

GNOME 2.24 - teh Awesome!
GNOME 2.24 - teh Awesome!

Congratulations to everyone who worked so hard to get this release out.  Especially the release team.  You guys rock!!

Had a busy couple of weeks, putting on Linux Plumbers Conference An exciting time and it was great to meet old friends and new ones. I think we were able to get all the goals we wanted. It was amazing watching something from conception to execution. We didn’t have a lot of problems.

We’re hoping to plan next years soon and see if we can top what we had. Those of you I got to meet last week, it was great hanging out and I hope we get to do it again! Our community rocks! 🙂 gone..

For those of you wondering what happened to like I did.  Apparently, the site has bit the big one according to this post by Eugenia.  This of course leaves a big hole in our community on where to go for new software for GNOME.  I hope we might be able to get a site going quickly in order to replace

This has been a public service announcement.  Since I don’t think Eugenia has publicized this anywhere that I know of.


fixed broken link.

Alll my blogs begin with long time no post.. hah!

Well, look whose blogging!  That’s right, it’s me. Let’s see if I remember how to do all this bloggy stuff…

Last time or was that episode?  Episode then.  I”m feeling peevish,  I blogged I was defending vegetarianism and posted a picture.  Sorry no picture this time.  I have been eating good stuff though. 😉  Including a nice home made vegetarian pizza.  Maybe I’ll post it.  If y’all are nice to me and such.

Since then, I’ve been busy with school and not much time for GNOME other than to hang out.   I guess I’m here for the beer this year.  It was great meeting the lot of you at OSCON which seems to be the post destination after GUADEC.  Sadly, none of you bought me a t-shirt.  Shame on you.  I thought I was the mascot, I guess it was all pillow talk.

I have approximately less than a year to graduate with a M.S. in C.S. at  Portland State University.   I can’t wait since it’s been a real pain doing work and school and people have noticed that my contributions have shrunk to a trickle.

Anyways, knowing this audience, y’all want to talk about GNOMEy stuff.  Too bad.  We’re talking about me.  I’m taking over for Rich Burridge!  But we’re going to talk bout furry felines, not kids.  Which means we’re going to talk about David Schleef.  Don’t worry, he loves when we talk about him.  It makes Dirac development faster.  Anyhoo, Every friday, I intend to post some cynical observation about *something*.

I do have some stuff to talk bout that isn’t about my boring life.  That is that you may have noticed the GNOME Journal has been a bit stagnant due to its members being really busy with either their jobs or other projects that take up their time.  Some of you are probably read Planet for fun, and sometimes think “what a great bunch of people, I wish I could help out.  But I can’t because David Schleef won’t let me.”  You DON’T need David Schleef‘s permission.  (remember, Dirac code is speeding up now, keep talking about him!)  No, we are looking for a few good people, preferably human, but we have known to take on Vulcans; we aren’t racist, green blood not withstanding,  to help out with writing articles.  Maybe you think “I don’t know what to write”, or maybe you’re scared.  If your’e scared, it’s obvious you haven’t been to GUADEC.  There’s nothing to be scared of.  These people are pushovers.  if you get into a situation, remember “beer is GNOME kryptonite” keep a can with you always.  If they are Australian, Fosters will actually repel them it’s like holy water on vampires!  ANYWAYS..  We have plenty of ideas we think would make good articles.  We need people.  You are of course free to write your own as well.  Write what you think might be interesting and we’ll do the rest. Hope you’ll sign up.  Send me some email, or join us on irc in the -journal channel.  Bring your dog, we like pets.

The other thing is that I’ve been actually doing some hacking.  Yes, surprising as that might be.  I have taken an open source class, so I essentially got to take 8 weeks and learn glib/goject/sqlite and write me up a new backend for Rhythmbox.  It’s not quite finished but most of the major sutff is done and I’m trying to get into a useable state before sticking it in bugzilla.  One might be tempted to think sqlite is a superior solution cuz well it’s sqlite and it’s the best thing evah!  Keep in mind the current backend is pretty damn good and is a result of several years of tweaking.  It’ll be a while before this backend has any chance of being supported.  Huge thanks to teuf and moch for giving their time to help me and answer questions.  But the project has been good for me as I’ve finally got time to learn all those dependencies that I always whined about that I couldn’t learn.  Hopefully I get to participate more in the development process than I have.

Well, that’s it for me.  I’ll post something mildly amusing on Friday.

Oh yeah, contact information.. mail me at sriram DOT ramkrishna DOT gmail DOT com if you are interested in helping writing articles.  Free picture of me for the first person to respond!

Long time no blog.

Well it’s been forever since I’ve blogged anything. Been really busy with work and I hardly had time to do much with GNOME for the past couple of months. I hadn’t realized how stressed out I was until I finally took a vacation. I was having trouble sleeping and been feeling run down all the time. After the vacation I could finally get some sleep and finally start concentrating on work.

GNOME Journal stuff is actually doing pretty good even though we haven’t had much in the way of releases. Our group are really busy with our personal lives and also caught up in various other GNOME activities. (I’m looking at you Ken) So, this is a shout out for people who want to:

a) slowly get involved with GNOME but are the cautious type.

b) want to get involved but you feel you don’t have the technical background to help. Or maybe GNOME is just so big and complex but you want to help out in some way. GNOME Journal is a great way to start out. We have quite a diverse number of people here.

c) you’re interested in writing and want to try out your technical writing skills

All are valid reasons to join up and help us out. Mail me and I’ll get you started I have plenty of ideas/trends that you could follow up on or post on this blog.

Arriving somewhere not here.

It’s been a tough week. I spent the last 10 days working my butt off. I think at least 5 of those nights I was up late working into the wee mornings of the morning on a project. C can really get on my nerves, since most of my problems when I program with C is dealing with it’s memory management. While powerful it can really lead you astray even for proficient programmers.

This seems to be my month for music with Porcupine Tree, Rush, Lacuna Coil and others going on tour. I just saw Porcupine Tree and it was a great show. It’s not as much entertaining as some others, but they obviously are consummate musicians and that really all that matters. I’m also planning on taking a trip to Seattle to go see Loreena McKennit who hasn’t had an album in 10 years. Maybe others might be interested as well.

GNOME stuff has been pretty non-existent for me due to work and school pressures,. I’m moving to a new group on the condition I finish a particularly thorny project which has been kicking my butt since it’s really mostly about social engineering and project planning. My frustration proves that I’m not cut out to be doing managerial roles. I can do them, and do them well but it’s not what I like doing.

GNOME Journal is struggling to put out another release. THis is a tough project,and it can do with a lot more contributors who might be willing to do the job of finding intersting aspects of the project. If you’re interested I have several ideas including a running theme of GNOME companies that I think indicates some idea of where our project is going.

GNOME Journal has alwyas been rewarding because we always get the non-technical people where sometimes isn’t obvious where they might be able to contribute. GNOME Journal is an excellent starting pointing point. Especially if you’re a fan of a particular piece of software. You’re able to speak to the person and ask critical questions about the project. I think the quality is high, the motivation is high, but the lack of people to get things done is a little bit of a downer. People like Jim Hodap, Lucas Rocha, Ken Van Dine and others have really put a lot of effort into this project.

If you have interesting ideas that you want to express, you should write to us, we are interested!!

One other thing is that I’m really happy to see new faces on Planet GNOME. It’s really great to see all the great applications that people are writing. The vitality of a project like GNOME comes from the new contributors that come into the project, we live on their energy and their dedication on creating something great.

GNOME Journal Submission Deadline April 1st.

Greetings! Long time no blog…

Just wanted to let people know that the deadline for next issue of GNOME Journal is April 1st. Please get us your fun and interesting articles to us! You can mail me at:


Other than that. It’s been pretty busy, finished off a very interesting class on operating systems and now looking forward to a class on network architecture.