The new Moblin User Experience has been announced. Finally we can show people what we’ve been working on!
Check out the introduction video
The new Moblin User Experience has been announced. Finally we can show people what we’ve been working on!
Check out the introduction video
In the office we have two white boards that where going rather underused. Last week I decided to rectify this by drawing FOSS propaganda on one of them. On the same day, Damien (of Shave fame) happened to show us all a new Vim command we hadn’t used before, so I suggested we start a Vim Command of the Day sheet on the other white board. We’ve taken this into the 21st century as well, so anyone can follow Damien’s encyclopedic knowledge on Vim through the magic of twitter: @vcotwdorso (short for, “vim command of the week day or so”, because Damien didn’t want to be restricted to updating it just once a day)
If anyone else (like me) is having problems with the iwlagn drivers (Intel wireless), try loading the driver with hardware encryption disabled. This seems to have solved the issue for me:
rmmod iwlagn && modprobe iwlagn swcrypto=1