I keep hearing people say, “If you don’t vote you have no right to complain.”
This is, of course, nonsense. Your right to complain is inalienable, and should be exercised. Myself, I can’t vote, being an alien, and yet I complain all the time. Complain away.
Everyone else is going to remind you to vote if you can, I’m sure, so I presumably don’t need to. But I do want to tell you that voting is the least you can do. Feeding one bit of information every four years into the political machine is something, but hardly anything. The people at Peterloo died asking for even that basic minimum, and I believe you should honour them not just by voting but by going beyond it.
I’ve been very impressed by the way Obama’s campaign have used slogans like “Yes we can”, rather than something easier like “Yes, Obama can”. Unfortunately, people seem to be reading “Yes we can” as “Yes we can… elect Barack Obama, who will then take over from us, and we can sit back and let other people run our lives from then on.” I was disappointed that when this video says “Did you do enough?”, it means “Did you do enough to get Obama elected?” and not “Did you do enough of the sort of thing we’re actually here to do, did you feed the hungry, did you help oppressed folk find a voice, did you join a union to let your voice be heard, did you give time and resources to Habitat for Humanity or the ACLU, did you work to bring about social justice?” And I worry people have stopped seeing the election as a means to such things and just think that when their chosen candidate’s in power everything will be lovely and they can go back to sleep. However good a person he is– and I believe he is a good, even a great person– he’s not a cross between King Arthur, Jesus Christ, a Jack Kirby superhero and the mythologised version of Abe Lincoln. If you believe he is, you will be disappointed. One person can make mistakes: put not your trust in princes. But you— what will you do?
I can’t vote, being an alien, even though I live here– so make sure you go in my place and the place of millions more who will be affected by this election but have no voice in it. But more importantly, find other ways to make a change over the next four years. Be involved. Complain. Make a difference. It’s not about them, it’s about you.
Update: Join us on #potus on irc.netgoth.org.uk.