Having read the recent evolution vs. creationism debate I
just had to post the universe flicker hypothesis I have been
mulling over. Not directly related to the ongoing discussion
though,since that it is not a debate I can even relate to
since I have yet to meet a person here in Norway who
seriously would try to deny the corectness of Evolution
having taken place.

So over to my flicker idea, it might be that it is something
I have unknowingly stolen, many ‘original’ ideas probably are.

My idea is that the Univere ‘flickers’ in and out of
existence sort of like the light in a neon sign about to
break. The reason this happens is due to two opposing
impossibilities, the impossibility of existence and the
impossibility of non-existence. So what I think happens is
that for some time nothing exists until the impossibility of
that situation culminates in a great explosion where things
come into existence. This explains ‘the big bang’. This
situation then continues for a while until the imposibility
of something existing negates everything. And
so the cycle continues into eternity.

To make it clear, the rate of the ‘flickering’ is in
human measurement extremly long periods of time, but for the
universe itself human time is inconseqential and therefore I
think the ‘flickering’ visualisation is good.