Returning home from CE Linux Europe

Its been an interesting week here Grenoble, been talking with a lot of people about linux on consumer electronics in general, but also of course about the GStreamer consulting we offer at Collabora Multimedia. It is also always encouraging to see the number of people at an event like this who already have heard about Collabora, be it in conjunction with GStreamer or Telepthay or Webkit or any of the other projects we either have the lead on or are contributing heavily or been told about us by an existing customer.

We ended up having a very nice conference dinner yesterday evening at one of the restaurants on top of the mountain travelling there by cable car.

Getting ready to start my journey back home now, and while I have to say Grenoble has made a very positive impression on me, I am looking forward to getting home to Cambridge.

One thought on “Returning home from CE Linux Europe

  1. Nice to meet you, although briefly.

    The ELC conference was a nice mix of in-dept technical presentations and high level strategic ones which lead to a good conference. I was surprised by the 200+ attendees on the first day but this is a good sign that embedded Linux is growing or at least on the radar of a lot of companies.

    Looking forward to next year.


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