I bought myself a TT-Connect C-1200 USB card from DVB-Shop. Last evening and today I been testing and trying to get it to work with Zaheer‘s help. With a few patches from Zaheer it now works in Totem as the screenshot show. Still a few issues that needs sorting out, like not requiring a pre-generated dvb-channels.conf file and better deinterlacing, but all in all things are looking fine.
So with upcoming versions of Totem+GStreamer you should be able to receive the Freeview channels over Virgin Media. Could open the way for an alternative to the noisy, slow and
unstable V+ box.
Also in case its useful for anyone. To generate the dvb-channels.conf file we needed this information put into a file called ‘uk-Virgin’ under /usr/share/dvb-apps/dvb-c
# scan config for Virgin Media cable provider
# freq sr fec mod
C 643000000 6887000 NONE QAM64
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Did you see me-tv Christian? It got some of the channels stuff you are looking for. It depends on libxine, dvb-utils and gnome.
great to see totem adopting support for dvb.
what i still miss is epg, time shifting, video text (eventually) and the ability to record something.
also, totem needs some ui polish to enable users to use the dvb functions without having to tinker around.
@pirast: The SVN version have a menu entry for accessing DVB, so it so using the DVB support should be simple enough, only hassle is that encrypted non-viewable streams are currently also shown.