Quadlet, an easier way to run system containers

UPDATE: Note that this describes the initial separate release of quadlet. Since the Podman 4.4 release, quadlet is merged into podman and will be available automatically.

Kubernetes and its likes is an excellent way to run containers in the cloud. And for development and testing, manually running podman is very useful (although do check out toolbox). But sometimes you really want to run a system service using a container. This could be on your laptop, NUC, or maybe some kind of edge or embedded device. The container should automatically start at boot, restart on errors, etc.

The recommended way to do this is to run podman from a systemd service. A lot of work has gone into podman to make this work well (and it constantly improves), and there are lots of documentation around the internet on how to do this. Additionally podman itself has some tools to help starting out (see podman generate systemd). But, the end result of all of these is that you get a complex, hard to understand systemd unit file with a very long “podman run” command that you have to maintain.

There has to be a simpler way!
Enter quadlet.

Quadlet is a systemd generator that takes a container description and automatically generates a systemd service file from it. The container description is in the systemd unit file format and describes how you want to run the container (i.e. what image, which ports exposed, etc), as well as standard systemd options, like dependencies. However, it doesn’t need to bother with technical details about how a container gets created or how it integrates with systemd, which makes the file much easier to understand and maintain.

This is easiest demonstrated by an example:

Description=Redis container




If you install the above in a file called
/etc/containers/systemd/redis.container (or
/usr/share/containers/systemd/redis.container) then, during boot (and at systemctl daemon-reload time), this is used to generate the file /run/systemd/generator/redis.service, which is then made
available as a regular service.

To get a feeling for this, the above container file generates the following service file:

# Automatically generated by quadlet-generator
Description=Redis container


ExecStartPre=-rm -f %t/%N.cid
ExecStopPost=-/usr/bin/podman rm -f -i --cidfile=%t/%N.cid
ExecStopPost=-rm -f %t/%N.cid
ExecStart=/usr/bin/podman run --name=systemd-%N --cidfile=%t/%N.cid --replace --rm -d --log-driver journald --pull=never --runtime /usr/bin/crun --cgroups=split --tz=local --init --sdnotify=conmon --security-opt=no-new-privileges --cap-drop=all --mount type=tmpfs,tmpfs-size=512M,destination=/tmp --user 999 --uidmap 999:999:1 --uidmap 0:0:1 --uidmap 1:362144:998 --uidmap 1000:363142:64538 --gidmap 0:0:1 --gidmap 1:362144:65536 -p=6379:6379 docker.io/redis


Once started it looks like a regular service:

● redis.service - Redis container
Loaded: loaded (/etc/containers/systemd/redis.container; generated)
Active: active (running) since Tue 2021-10-12 12:34:14; 1s ago
Main PID: 1559371 (conmon)
Tasks: 8 (limit: 38373)
Memory: 32.0M
CPU: 387ms
CGroup: /system.slice/redis.service
│ ├─1559375 /dev/init -- docker-entrypoint.sh redis-server
│ └─1559489 "redis-server *:6379"
  └─1559371 /usr/bin/conmon --api-version 1 -c 24184463a9>

In practice you don’t need to care about the generated file, all you need to maintain is the container file. In fact, over time as podman/systemd integration is improved it may generate slightly different files to take advantage of the new features.

In addition to being easier to understand, quadlet comes with a set of defaults for how the container is run that better fit the usecase of running system services. For example, it defaults to running without any capabilities, it has a basic init process in the container, it uses the journal log driver, and it sets up the cgroups in a mode that best matches what systemd needs.

Right now this is a separate project, but I’ve been in touch with the podman developers, and there is some discussions of how to make this feature part of podman instead. But, until then you can use it from github.com/containers/quadlet, and I have made a COPR build available for experimenting.

For more information see the docs linked from the README.

7 thoughts on “Quadlet, an easier way to run system containers”

  1. Wow nice.

    Consider also supporting user units (useful when combined with ‘loginctl enable-linger’).

    1. I don’t think so. The details, such as what podman run arguments to use, etc, are more tied to knowledge about podman details than anything systemd related.

  2. Hi Thanks for all this information, I am trying to host a local flatpak repo and I and having trouble understanding how everything works, I am trying out flat-manager, seems to be a bit more complicated that I though, if you have a guide on how to setup the server/repo and the add the repo on a client machine on the local network an install apps that have been published locally I would love to read on it. thanks again!

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