With lot of work to do on XSD, but certainly happy to see GXml.Gom* classes taking shape, fixed lot of bugs since last 0.13.2 and starting to port some projects to this new version, I hope to soon release 0.14, just after most translation are in place.
This new version, will provide a better supported XML GObject wrapped, using DOM4 API and initials of other technologies like XPath and XSD.
Hope some one takes some time to implement XPath recent W3C specification and complete XSD support implementation. May be this will be a good projects for Google Summer of Code 2017.
On the process, I’ll try to implement W3C SVG API using GXml.Gom* classes, to provide a fully supported XML/SVG API using GObject libraries, and all other languages supported by GObject Introspection.
Future GXml versions, can include:
- Cleanup more interfaces/classes no useful any more, like TNode derived classes and other non DOM4 compliant interfaces. This will reduce number of classes to choose from, while recommend way will be on GNode and GomNode derived classes.
- Improve XSD support
- Explore how to manage large XML files
- Improve XPath support
- Explore XQuery
May be other ideas, from GXml users.