Chose promise, chose due

Here’s an example of the use of the ArvCamera API of Aravis:

#include <arv.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

static gboolean cancel = FALSE;

static void
set_cancel (int signal)
	cancel = TRUE;

static char *arv_option_camera_name = NULL;
static char *arv_option_debug_domains = NULL;
static gboolean arv_option_snaphot = FALSE;
static gboolean arv_option_auto_buffer = FALSE;
static int arv_option_width = -1;
static int arv_option_height = -1;
static int arv_option_horizontal_binning = -1;
static int arv_option_vertical_binning = -1;

static const GOptionEntry arv_option_entries[] =
	{ "name",		'n', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING,
		&arv_option_camera_name,"Camera name", NULL},
	{ "snapshot",		's', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE,
		&arv_option_snaphot,	"Snapshot", NULL},
	{ "auto",		'a', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE,
		&arv_option_auto_buffer,	"AutoBufferSize", NULL},
	{ "width", 		'w', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_INT,
		&arv_option_width,		"Width", NULL },
	{ "height", 		'h', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_INT,
		&arv_option_height, 		"Height", NULL },
	{ "h-binning", 		'\0', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_INT,
		&arv_option_horizontal_binning,"Horizontal binning", NULL },
	{ "v-binning", 		'\0', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_INT,
		&arv_option_vertical_binning, 	"Vertical binning", NULL },
	{ "debug", 		'd', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING,
		&arv_option_debug_domains, 	"Debug mode", NULL },
	{ NULL }

main (int argc, char **argv)
	ArvCamera *camera;
	ArvStream *stream;
	ArvBuffer *buffer;
	GOptionContext *context;
	GError *error = NULL;
	int i;

	g_thread_init (NULL);
	g_type_init ();

	context = g_option_context_new (NULL);
	g_option_context_add_main_entries (context, arv_option_entries, NULL);

	if (!g_option_context_parse (context, &argc, &argv, &error)) {
		g_option_context_free (context);
		g_print ("Option parsing failed: %s\n", error->message);
		g_error_free (error);
		return EXIT_FAILURE;

	g_option_context_free (context);

	arv_debug_enable (arv_option_debug_domains);

	if (arv_option_camera_name == NULL)
		g_print ("Looking for the first available camera\n");
		g_print ("Looking for camera '%s'\n", arv_option_camera_name);

	camera = arv_camera_new (arv_option_camera_name);
	if (camera != NULL) {
		gint payload;
		gint x, y, width, height;
		gint dx, dy;
		double exposure;
		guint64 n_processed_buffers;
		guint64 n_failures;
		guint64 n_underruns;

		arv_camera_set_region (camera, 0, 0, arv_option_width, arv_option_height);
		arv_camera_set_binning (camera, arv_option_horizontal_binning, arv_option_vertical_binning);

		arv_camera_get_region (camera, &x, &y, &width, &height);
		arv_camera_get_binning (camera, &dx, &dy);
		exposure = arv_camera_get_exposure_time (camera);
		payload = arv_camera_get_payload (camera);

		g_print ("image width         = %d\n", width);
		g_print ("image height        = %d\n", height);
		g_print ("horizontal binning  = %d\n", dx);
		g_print ("vertical binning    = %d\n", dy);
		g_print ("exposure            = %g µs\n", exposure);

		stream = arv_camera_new_stream (camera);
		if (arv_option_auto_buffer)
			arv_gv_stream_set_option (ARV_GV_STREAM (stream),

		for (i = 0; i < 30; i++)
			arv_stream_push_buffer (stream, arv_buffer_new (payload, NULL));

		arv_camera_start_acquisition (camera);

		signal (SIGINT, set_cancel);

		do {
			g_usleep (100000);

			do  {
				buffer = arv_stream_pop_buffer (stream);
				if (buffer != NULL) {
					/* Image processing here */
					arv_stream_push_buffer (stream, buffer);
			} while (buffer != NULL);
		} while (!cancel);

		arv_stream_get_statistics (stream, &n_processed_buffers, &n_failures, &n_underruns);

		g_print ("Processed buffers = %Ld\n", n_processed_buffers);
		g_print ("Failures          = %Ld\n", n_failures);
		g_print ("Underruns         = %Ld\n", n_underruns);

		arv_camera_stop_acquisition (camera);

		g_object_unref (stream);
		g_object_unref (camera);
	} else
		g_print ("No camera found\n");

	return 0;

A direct use of the Genicam API is shown in the arv-test.c file in the git repository:

2 thoughts on “Chose promise, chose due”

  1. I was looking for the GigE Vision Control Protocol and GigE Vision Stream Protocol standard a while ago but it looks like they are not freely available.
    You have to become a member of AIA.

    Do you have the protocols specification or did you reverse engineer it?

    Just curious.

  2. The GigE Vision protocol itself is quite simple and was reverse engineered. It’s not possible to use the protocol specification for an open source software.

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