Welcome to the May 2020 Friends of GNOME Update!

GNOME on the Road
We might be at home, but we still have a lot to say!
- We will be participating in UPLIFT! By FOSS Responders this Friday, May 22.
- Executive Director Neil McGovern will be speaking June 12 with Open UK
Community Engagement Challenge Update
Free software projects want to grow their contributor bases, and one of the most important ways to do that is to make it easy (and hopefully even fun) to get involved. We’ve teamed up with Endless to work on the Community Engagement Challenge, to get more people involved in GNOME. Entries for ideas for projects to engage new and potential community members are open until July 1.
GNOME Social Hours
Deb Nicholson joined us for the Social Hour this month. She is an expert in free software policy and communities. The conversation focused on how roadmapping and delegation can help grow a healthy community.
There will be another Social Hour in early June, which will be announced on Discourse.
What counts as “GNOME”?
The Board of Directors proposed a new system for how GNOME software is defined. It includes official GNOME software, which will be decided by the release team, and GNOME Circle, apps using the GNOME platform and libraries which extend it. The conversation is happening right now on Discourse, so please join in and share your thoughts.
GTK4 Updates
Core GTK Developer Emmanuele Bassi continues to work on GTK4, including on accessibility and documentation.
Infrastructure Updates
The Infrastructure Team has recently updated a lot of really important software for us, including Discourse, Indico, and Rocket.chat. On a personal note, I am extremely excited about their work updating etherpad.gnome.org, a collaboration resource I use every day.
Interns, Interns, Interns: GSoC and GSoD
We are so pleased to share that we have selected our Google Summer of Code interns! We are very excited to work with these 14 interns on their projects, which cover everything refreshing gnome.org, UI improvements, and development of adaptive technology. Mentors come from across the project, and include Brand Manager Caroline Henriksen.
We will also be participating in Google Season of Docs. There are three mentors, including Emmanuele, ready to work with technical writers who want to help make GNOME a better project through better documentation. You can read about our projects.
Posts from the Community
- This Month in Mutter and GNOME Shell – Georges Basile Stavracas Neto
- Test driving Flathub mirror for users in China – Bartłomiej Piotrowski
- Virtual Fedora 32 Release Party – Jiri Eischmann
- Let’s Welcome our 2020 GSoC Interns! – Felipe Borges
- Overhauling your Open Source project’s “Developer Experience” and redefining the workflow – Jeff Fortin Tam
Thank you!
Thank you for supporting us in the ways you do! If you’re not already a Friend of GNOME, please consider joining to support the activities of the Foundation and its staff.
We’re currently running a Spring fundraiser geared towards growing GNOME in Africa and WebKitGTK development. Tell your friends!
I assume the GNOME-Software-Discussion should link to https://discourse.gnome.org/t/official-proposal-how-we-define-gnome-software/3371
But otherwise thanks for the GNOME-world-update!