Google conspiracy?

Yesterday I was using google to search Maciej weblog, and I noticed a little change: instead of presenting direct links in the results page, it showed me redirention links via google, like: But I was the only person on -hackers seeing that. Some days ago I began to see a Google alerts link in the google main page, and when following it it detected my gmail address, I though it was using my cookie (same domain) to recognize me. So main can also read the cookie that contains my ID, and if clicking on a result is managed with a internal redirector it can store things like: “User fherrera went to this Bartok webpage”. That really scared me! Is google just trying to collect more popular results to improve its search? Maybe… or maybe not, and that make me nervous. This morning I cannot see any rest of that redirection thing and google search is, as used to be, with direct links. Beta testing? maybe… If anyone has more info about this or has seen the same, please, contact me 🙂

PS: I know, I’m blogging to much

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