Executive Director position at GNOME Foundation: New Application Deadline

The GNOME Foundation announced on November 16, 2010 that we are searching for the the right candidate to fill the position of Executive Director. Although the original intention was to leave the process open-ended, the response has been such that the hiring committee has set January 26, 2011 as the deadline for receiving applications.

We welcome all interested and qualified candidates to apply before the deadline by sending their resumé and cover letter to ed-job-list@gnome.org.

GNOME Q3 Status Report Released

The GNOME Foundation’s Q3 status report has been released!

GUADEC, the annual GNOME conference, was held in the third quarter of 2010 and many teams had a chance to get to gether face to face. The GNOME Foundation hired a system adminsitrator, the GNOME.Asia conference in August was a success, and progress was made on GNOME 3.0. Read about all this and more!

Upcoming GNOME Foundation IRC Meeting: January 12th, 2011

Howdy fellow GNOMErs!

I’d like to invite you all to join us once again for another GNOME Foundation IRC Meeting!

When: Wednesday, January 12th, from 14:00 to 15:00 UTC
Where: irc.gnome.org, #foundation

Foundation IRC meetings are just that, meetings held on #foundation in irc.gimp.org to discuss current matters related to the GNOME Foundation. Any GNOME Foundation member or non member are welcome. As long as you contribute positively to the discussion you are welcome.

The meeting is moderated by Board members that are present, and they will guide the discussion through all the Agenda topics. Everyone can comment and speak at any time, just remember to be respectful and concise so it’s easy for everyone to follow the discussion.

Tthis is a great opportunity to discuss the topics you care about, or to get more information from the Board if you think we’re not communicating enough on some topics 😉 The agenda of the meeting is really up to you!

So please add the agenda items you’d like to discuss to http://live.gnome.org/FoundationBoard/MembersAgenda

Your topics will automatically appear on the meeting page:

For reference, the minutes of the last meeting are available at:


Og Maciel, on behalf of the GNOME Board of Directors

GNOME Foundation 2009 Annual Report

The GNOME Foundation 2009 Annual Report has been released and is available for download (30 MB, PDF).

The annual report is a summary of GNOME community activities in 2009. It includes a review of the year, accounts of various community activities and events around the world, an interview with the GNOME Release team, and GNOME Foundation development actions during the year.

Please note that the 2009 Annual Report covers the calendar year (Jan – Dec) while GNOME’s fiscal year is Oct – Sept.  Next year’s annual report will be moving to cover the fiscal year to better align the finance portion of the annual report.  The interview with the release team was also conducted prior to the announcement of GNOME 3.0 being pushed back until April, 2011.

The 2009 GNOME Annual Report is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Sharealike license.

Upcoming GNOME Foundation IRC Meeting: December 8th, 2010

Howdy fellow GNOMErs!

My apologies for the late reminder but I’d like to invite you all to join us once again for another GNOME Foundation IRC Meeting!

When: Wednesday, December 8th, from 14:00 to 15:00 UTC
Where: irc.gnome.org, #foundation

Foundation IRC meetings are just that, meetings held on #foundation in irc.gimp.org to discuss current matters related to the GNOME Foundation. Any GNOME Foundation member or non member are welcome. As long as you contribute positively to the discussion you are welcome.

The meeting is moderated by Board members that are present, and they will guide the discussion through all the Agenda topics. Everyone can comment and speak at any time, just remember to be respectful and concise so it’s easy for everyone to follow the discussion.

We already have a few topics to discuss but this is a great opportunity to discuss the topics you care about, or to get more information from the Board if you think we’re not communicating enough on some topics 😉 The agenda of the meeting is really up to you!

So please add the agenda items you’d like to discuss to http://live.gnome.org/FoundationBoard/MembersAgenda

Your topics will automatically appear on the meeting page:

For reference, the minutes of the last meeting are available at:


Og Maciel, on behalf of the GNOME Board of Directors

Announcing the new Friends of GNOME

FriendsIt is with great pleasure that I announce the newly updated Friends of GNOME program! Fruit of several discussions which culminated at a meeting during this year’s Boston Summit, the new page offers several new features and benefits for both current and prospect new supporters! Highlights worth mentioning are:

  • A completely FREE subscription to LWN for both current and new supporters!
  • A new Annual adoption plan that gives you a sweet 15% discount and the choice of receiving a cool t-shirt right away!
  • Donations done by US citizens are tax deductible too!
  • Receive a signed postcard from your favorite GNOME hacker!
  • Join our many Friends and let us tell the whole world about your support!

We have so much more to offer in the coming weeks too, so you’re sure to see some really great news and offers soon!

Remember that your generous support allows us to sponsor more events and get people together so that we can continue working on making GNOME a rock solid and pleasant environment for your systems!

Become a Friend of GNOME today or be a friend for some of your friends and surprise them this holiday with a subscription of their own!

Friends of GNOME Benefits

The GNOME Foundation is excited to announce a partnership with LWN.net.  All Friends of GNOME monthly and annual subscribers who donate $10 USD or more per month now can receive a free annual subscription to LWN!

Friends of GNOME subscribers have been emailed about the offer.  If you did not receive the email and you are a Friends of GNOME subscriber, please contact Paul Cutler for more information.

This work is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0.