Macboy – Quick Update

Thought I would drop a quick status report. Tomboy on Mac (Codenamed Macboy) is moving closer to a Beta release.

Tonight I was able to support Bulleted Lists. I’m supper excited about this and also knowing that I will be able to keep backwards compatibility with existing versions of Tomboy.

Here’s a quick screen-shot to wet your appetites.

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3 thoughts on “Macboy – Quick Update

  1. Keep up the good work. I’m really excited about Macboy as my current installation of Tomboy on my Mac is very unstable and has a lot of bugs.

    I was the one that said to make the looks of Tomboy for Mac as Mac like as possible. I see in some of your screenshots, though, that the legendary yellow color for Tomboy notes seems to have disappeared. I really like the minimalistic look of most OSX apps but at the same time I’ve been a fan of Tomboy much longer than a Mac user and I (would) have a bit of nostalgia for that yellow Tomboy look. Would there be a way to keep it somehow?
    Also, in the screenshots I haven’t been able to see single notes appearing separated from the others as postits on the screen. That was kind of useful for me as some times I needed to have several notes visible at the same time. Will that functionality disappear?

    I know I sound impatient (which I am :-)) but would you be able to post a few more screenshots and/or explain the major changes that will be introduced in this version for the Mac?


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