We are pleased to announce the first release of yorba’s multi-media creation tools, Lombard and Fillmore.
Fillmore is an open-source multi-track audio editor for Gnome, based upon GStreamer and written in Vala. You can record one mono track at a time. You can create multiple tracks and sequence your audio to create songs, podcasts, stories. You can export your project to an Ogg-Vorbis file.
Lombard is an open-source video editor for Gnome, based upon GStreamer and written in Vala. You can import and arrange your video clips using Lombard. If you would like to add extra audio tracks for music or voice overs, open up your Lombard project in Fillmore.
We are currently working on version 0.2 of both products and would love to hear what features you would like next.
I am anxious to try these out! As for features I would like next:
Shotwell is great for importing pictures, but most digital cameras now also record video. I would love to see some integration between shotwell and lombard to import and manage pictures and video together.
Oh man, guys I want these programs, but could you please setup a ppa? I find it easier to manage, as I’m a newbie.
I hope that Lombard and Fillmore will be in the yorba ppa for version 0.2.0. However, it isn’t too difficult to build from source. If you do want to try and build from source, there is plenty of help on the fillmore/lombard mailing lists. We can help you work out problems you run into, or even help you get started.
I’ve ticketed this at http://trac.yorba.org/ticket/2222
I downloaded Fillmore and am getting a crash right when it starts; it opens for a split second and just closes…help!
Hi Patrick,
I’ve sent you an e-mail on the fillmore mailing list. It is much easier to deal with these types of issues there. I hope we’ll get you up and running soon.