October miscellany

It’s been a wild October!  It started with us releasing Geary 0.4 and Shotwell 0.15, and then a whole lotta more stuff happened.  Some quick bits regarding the past four weeks (or so):

Montreal Summit

Parc La Fontaine
Parc La Fontaine

I’d like to extend my (belated) thanks to everyone who organized and hosted the Summit this year, it was a great event!  Thank you Savoir Faire Linux for organizing everything and CRIM for hosting all of us.  Lots of familiar faces and some new ones too.  In particular it was good to hear about GTK/GLib things to come, like GNotifications and a formal model for GtkListBox, both things we’d like to take advantage of in Geary.

Montreal is a beautiful city and fortunately I had a chance to explore it before the Hackfest opened.  I’m pleased to report that while there I enjoyed what sounds to be the Montreal culinary trifecta: bagels, smoked meat, and poutine.

We’ve moved (physically)

CC BY 2.0 ~ Gary Soup
“Enjoy some spicy food”

Yorba resided in San Francisco’s Mission District for over four and a half years, but the time has come for a change.  We’ve been selling off furniture, cleaning off desks, and boxing up things for our big move, which happened today.  Fortunately the move was painless and quick, and we’re now settled in our new office on the hairy edge of the Financial District down the hill from Chinatown.  (We celebrated finishing the move with a great meal at Henry’s Hunan; go see this fellow, who has eaten and reviewed every item on their menu to teach himself Tomcat.  That floors me for a lot of reasons.)

Unfortunately the preparations for the move has taken our attention off of patches and coding, but that should soon change now that we’re settled.

We’re moving (virtually)

Coincidentally, Yorba is also moving virtually — we’re transitioning from our self-hosted server to (tada!) the GNOME infrastructure.  Yes, soon all of Yorba’s projects will live under the GNOME umbrella.  We’re starting small to work out the kinks, but by the end of the process Shotwell, Geary, Valencia, and gexiv2 will be available at gnome.org.  More information coming soon as things firm up.

Shotwell 0.15 has arrived

We at Yorba are pleased to bring you Shotwell 0.15. This version has several enhancements:

  • Copy and paste color adjustments between photos
  • Highlights detail adjustment
  • YouTube plugin now uses OAuth / OpenID
  • Videos in Missing Files now re-import properly
  • Improvements when thumbnailing videos
  • Numerous bug fixes

The Shotwell 0.15 tarball is available for download. See the installation guide for information on getting Shotwell on your system. Report bugs and feature requests at Yorba’s Redmine server. (You must create an account before adding or modifying tickets there.)

Ubuntu users can also find a version for Raring Ringtail (13.04) and Quantal Quetzal (12.10) on Yorba’s PPA. Adventurous users may also wish to subscribe to Yorba’s Daily PPA.

Geary 0.4 is here!

Geary 0.4 screenshot

Yorba is proud to announce the release of Geary 0.4, the newest version of our lightweight email client. This release includes many enhancements:

  • Per-account full text search
  • Automatic save to draft
  • Refreshed user interface
  • Per-folder unread email count
  • Experimental support for Outlook.com
  • Enhanced “show external images” preference
  • Find bar for locating text within a conversation (Ctrl+F)
  • Improved handling of attachments
  • Malicious link checker
  • Passwords stored with libsecret instead of GNOME Keyring
  • Hundreds of bugs fixed and small improvements

The Geary 0.4 tarball is available for download. See Yorba’s wiki for information on building, running, and contributing to Geary. Report bugs and feature requests at Yorba’s Redmine server. (You must create an account before adding or modifying tickets there.)

Ubuntu users can also find a version for Raring Ringtail (13.04) and Quantal Quetzal (12.10) on Yorba’s PPA. Adventurous users may also wish to subscribe to Yorba’s Daily PPA.