Shotwell 0.12.0 Released!

Good evening, one and all,

It’s my pleasure to announce the release of Shotwell 0.12.0. This version represents several person months of hard work, saw us add our one-hundred-thousandth line of code, involved a quest that took our merry little band of adventurers half way around the world, three new brave warriors joining our party, and the slaying of many, many monsters.  It’s now more stable than ever before, has a neat new straightening tool, and, thanks to the watchful eyes, thorough bug reports and helpful suggestions of you, our userbase, it’s pure awesome (I admit there may be some bias on my part, but still…).

We’re proud of it, and on behalf of the team here, I sincerely hope you enjoy using it.


Download a source tarball from the Shotwell home page at:

Or grab a binary for Ubuntu Oneiric at Yorba’s Launchpad PPA:

Ubuntu Precise will ship with Shotwell 0.12.x pre-installed by default, so Precise users will be upgraded to Shotwell 0.12.0 automatically as part of their regular software update cycle.

Avoiding the association by hash map anti-pattern with GObject

There’s a common anti-pattern in software design that I call “association by hash map.” Rather than explain this in words, let me illustrate it in Vala:

HashMap<MyClass, string> name_map = 
    new HashMap<MyClass, string>();

name_map.set(an_object, "Foo");
name_map.set(another_object, "Bar");

stdout.printf("an_object's name is %sn", 

“But wait,” you’re saying, “Couldn’t we just add a name field to MyClass and remove the hash map?”

YES! That is exactly what you should do — if you can.

But what if you can’t?  Adding a field isn’t always an option.  Perhaps MyClass is someone else’s API.  Or even if it’s contained entirely in your code, the name field might only make sense for a single use-case.  No reason to add an extra field to your class if it doesn’t truly belong there.

So what to do? Is there a better way? If your class is based on GObject, you’re in luck.

During a recent code review, Jim pointed out to me that GObject has methods for attaching arbitrary named data to an object.  In our example, we can use the simplest of these methods, gobject_set_data() and gobject_get_data() which use simple key/value pairs.

const string NAME_PROP = "name";

an_object.set_data(NAME_PROP, "Foo");
another_object.set_data(NAME_PROP, "Bar");

stdout.printf("an_object's name is %sn", 

Isn’t that better?  No more extraneous hash maps, all the data is stored right in the object itself where it belongs.  And you didn’t even have to modify the class!

In closing, if you’ve dealt with the association by hash map pattern before you now know a way to avoid it with GObject.  And if you haven’t, I envy you.

The 100,000 line question

Clinton Rogers (Yorba developer and all-pro Telestrations master) pointed out something interesting yesterday.  Ohloh now lists Shotwell as having achieved an odd milestone just ten days shy of its third birthday: Shotwell has reached 100,000 lines of code.  That number represents the work of 51 code contributors and 89 translators.  (It also represents blanks and comments — 100,000 lines of pure code is a ways off.)

It’s an odd milestone because there’s a rosy tradition in computer programming of honoring tight code and efficient algorithms.  The code placed on pedestals are not thousands of lines long, they’re short and sweet, like a witty joke or a clever haiku.  Duff’s Device is my favorite example; you probably have your own.  (Tom Duff’s history of his Device is a great short read and offers a basketful of concise observations on code optimization.)

Which is why reaching the 100,000 mark makes me simultaneously proud and a little uncomfortable.  Shotwell has grown quite a bit in three years — but is it really doing the work of 100,000 lines of code?  Ur-spreadsheet VisiCalc was also 100,000 lines of code, pretty lean compared to the Macbeth that knocked it off its throne, Lotus 1-2-3 (clocking in at 400,000 lines).  Compare that to the original Colossal Cave game, which was (gulp) 700 lines of FORTRAN and 700 lines of data.  It later grew to a whopping 4,800 lines of code and data that ran entirely in memory.  100,000 lines of code feels downright luxurious, even bourgeois, in comparison.

(I’m not claiming Shotwell should be placed alongside these landmarks.  It’s just interesting to consider what 100,000 lines of code represents.  I’m also aware that there’s a number of people who think line count is a misleading, or even useless, metric.  I do think lines of code provides some scale of complexity and size.  I’ve never seen a program grow in size and get simpler.)

There’s probably no reason to duck my head in shame.  Sure, there’s plenty of features we want to add and bugs we want to squash, but those 100,000 lines of code we have today are pulling a lot of collective weight.  They include the basic organizer, a nondestructive photo editor, a standalone image viewer (which also includes an editor), hierarchical tagging, stored searches, ten plug-ins, and plenty more.  Could we scrape away 1,000 lines of code and still have the same functionality?  Almost certainly.  10,000?  I can think of a few places where fat could be trimmed, but I don’t think it’s excessive.

Note that Ohloh is counting lines of Vala code, not the C generated by valac.  Although valac does not exactly produce sparse output, it’s worth mentioning that sloccount reports over 720,000 lines of C code generated by Vala.  If Vala is producing on average six times more C code than a competent human programmer (and I’m not asserting it does), that’s 120,000 extra lines.  Reducing that by the magic factor of six means Vala saved us from writing 20,000 lines of C code, a victory worth popping open a can of beer and celebrating over.

Hello World!

There’s nothing like starting a new year with a new job.

This is officially Day One on the job (I’m counting yesterday as Day Zero) as Yorba’s production engineer. I wear quite a few hats here: I sit on the front line of support and testing and also take care of the website, office matters and systems.

I am also the self-appointed director of happy hour.

I’ve known Adam for several years and it’s been very exciting to watch from the sidelines and see how Yorba has gone on build the most widely used photo manager on Ubuntu. It’s a real pleasure to be a part of the team and help contribute to these awesome products and the free desktop.

A little about me:

I’m a general purpose nerd. I’m an avid board game fan, I love pinball, can’t get enough of BSG and can solder a mean joint. San Francisco truly is a paradise for us geeks!

I dig communities. I’ve managed developer relations for software companies for the past several years and am BIG on making sure you guys and gals are having a good time with our products (or at least letting me know where it hurts).

So don’t be a stranger! I look forward to getting to know some of you, our users, in the coming weeks.


Shotwell 0.11.6 Released!

Yorba has just released Shotwell 0.11.6, a bug-fix release of our popular GNOME-based photo manager. This release fixes a critical bug in which adding or modifying tags in the single-photo view could result in the loss of tag data. We recommend that all users upgrade.

Download a source tarball from the Shotwell home page at:

Or grab a binary for Ubuntu Natty at Yorba’s Launchpad PPA:

Ubuntu Oneiric ships with Shotwell 0.11.x pre-installed. Oneiric users will be upgraded to Shotwell 0.11.6 automatically as part of their regular software update cycle.

A few of my favorite Vala things: interfaces

In my prior post on Vala’s language features, I discussed enums and how I appreciated Vala’s implementation of them.  I feel that Vala’s enums straddle an interesting line of utility and pragmatism.  It took me a while to learn about their features, partially because documentation has been sparse (but is getting better) and partially because as a C / C++ / Java programmer, I’d had hammered into me a set of expectations about enums that Vala didn’t quite adhere to.  (I had a similar learning curve, for many of the same reasons, about Vala’s lock keyword.)

Learning interface in Vala was a similar experience.  Consider the Java Language Specification’s opening statement about interfaces, which Vala’s interfaces look to be a descendant of:

An interface declaration introduces a new reference type whose members are classes, interfaces, constants and abstract methods. This type has no implementation, but otherwise unrelated classes can implement it by providing implementations for its abstract methods.

Compare to this statement in the C# Programmer’s Guide:

Interfaces consist of methods, properties, events, indexers, or any combination of those four member types. An interface cannot contain constants, fields, operators, instance constructors, destructors, or types. It cannot contain static members. Interfaces members are automatically public, and they cannot include any access modifiers. … The interface itself provides no functionality that a class or struct can inherit in the way that base class functionality can be inherited.

What’s interesting about Java and C# interfaces is what they can’t provide: implementation.  Interfaces are often touted as a sane solution to the problems surrounding multiple inheritance, but it always struck me as odd (and a bit of a blind-spot on the part of their boosters) that interfaces provide no reusable code.  After all, isn’t that the name of the game?  Especially for a technique that’s replacing a form of inheritance, which is all about reusable code?

(I have a pet theory that if one was to study the history of the development of software development technologies — languages, tools, paradigms, all of it — it’s primarily a history of reusable code.  How much money and manpower has been dumped into this holiest of Holy Grails: write once, debug a bit more, reuse a billion times.)

Like enum and lock, Vala offers an interesting interpretation of interface with a couple of surprises.  I’m not sure how much of it is due to the mechanics of GTypeInterface, Vala’s influences from Eiffel, or simply a reflection of Jürg’s vision, but it’s cool all the same.

Let’s start with a simple Vala interface that looks familiar to any Java or C# programmer:

interface Agreeable {
    public abstract bool concur();

In-the-know Java programmers will say that the public and abstract keywords are allowed but not required; in C#, they’re simply not allowed.  But in Vala, neither are optional:

interface Agreeable {
    bool concur();

produces this compiler output:

error: Non-abstract, non-extern methods must have bodies

That seems to suggest that non-abstract, non-extern methods in interfaces can have bodies (“must implies can”, kind of a programmer’s variant of Kant’s argument from morality).

And sure enough, this will compile:

interface Agreeable {
    public bool concur() {
        return true;

What’s going on here?  Simple: reusable code.

Vala interfaces are much more than hollow declarations of required methods.  Interfaces are full-fledged members of the object hierarchy, able to provide code to inheriting classes.  The reason an interface is not an abstract class is that an interface has no storage of its own, including a vtable.  Only when an interface is bound to a class (abstract or concrete) is storage allocated and a vtable is declared.  In other words, while the above is legal, this is not:

interface Agreeable {
    bool yep = true;

    public bool concur() {
        return yep;

gets you this:

error: Interfaces may not have instance fields

Bingo.  That boolean is a member instance, which requires instance storage, which an interface does not have by itself.

So what good is allowing an interface to provide reusable code if it has no fields of its own?  There’s a number of patterns of use, in particular Facade-style methods.  For example, an interface could declare a handful of abstract primitive methods and offer a helper method that uses them in concert according to contract:

interface Agreeable {
    public abstract bool concur(int i);

    public abstract string explanation(bool concurred);

    public void process(int i) {
        if (concur(i))
            stdout.printf("Accepted: %d %sn", i, explanation(true));
            stdout.printf("Not accepted: %d %sn", i, explanation(false));

class OnlyOdds : Agreeable {
    public bool concur(int i) {
        return (i & 0x01) == 0x01;

    public string explanation(bool concurred) {
        return concurred ? "is odd" : "is not odd";

class OnlyMultiplesOfTen : Agreeable {
    public bool concur(int i) {
        return (i % 10) == 0;

    public string explanation(bool concurred) {
        return concurred ? "is a multiple of ten" : "is not a multiple of ten";

First, note that the implementations of concur() and explanation() in the classes don’t use the override keyword even though you must use the abstract keyword in the interface.  I’m not sure of the reasoning, but so it goes.

Also know that virtual methods, signals, and virtual signals have their own peculiarities with interfaces.  I’ll deal with them in another post.

So, a pretty contrived and very silly example, but notice how process() understands Agreeable’s interface and contract and hides those details behind a single method call.  This is useful.

Going back to those language specifications earlier, remember that Java and C#’s interfaces cannot contain static methods.  In Vala they can:

interface Agreeable {
/* ... */
    public static void process_many(Agreeable[] list, int i) {
        foreach (Agreeable a in list)

This allows for binding aggregator-style code with the interface itself, rather than building utility namespaces or classes.  Again, this is useful.

However, if the following code is written:

Agreeable[] list = new Agreeable[2];
list[0] = new OnlyOdds();
list[1] = new OnlyMultiplesOfTen();

Agreeable.process_many(list, 10);

you get this compiler error:

error: missing class prerequisite for interface `Agreeable',
add GLib.Object to interface declaration if unsure

What’s this about?

It’s due to another freedom in Vala that is lacking in Java and C#.  Vala classes don’t have to descend from a single master class (i.e. Object).  Unlike the other two languages, if a Vala class is declared without a parent, there is no implicit parent; Vala registers the class with GType as a fundamental type.  If you don’t know what that means, read this.  You probably still won’t know what that means, however.

Because Agreeable is declared without a prerequisite class, Vala can’t produce the appropriate code to store it in a tangible data structure, in this case, an array.  (Update: As Luca Bruno explains in the comments, this is because of Vala’s memory management features.)  This solves the problem:

interface Agreeable : Object {

What this means is that any class that implements Agreeable must descend from Object (i.e. GObject), meaning we need to change two other lines in the code:

class OnlyOdds : Object, Agreeable {

class OnlyMultiplesOfTen : Object, Agreeable {

Although Agreeable now looks to descend from Object, it does not.  It merely requires an implementing class to descend from Object.  (A subtle difference.)  Interfaces can also require other interfaces, and like classes, it can require any number of them:

interface Agreeable : Object, Insultable, Laughable {

Like requiring Object, this means that any class implementing Agreeable must also implement the other interfaces listed (Insultable, Laughable).  This does not mean that Agreeable must implement those interfaces’ abstract methods.  In fact, it can’t, one place where code reuse can’t occur.

Prerequisites also mean that Agreeable’s code can rely on those interfaces in its own code, and therefore can do things like this:

interface Agreeable : Object, Insultable, Laughable {
/* ... */
    public void punish(int i) {
        if (concur(i))

… where laugh_at() is an abstract member of Laughable, insult() is an abstract member of Insultable, and of course concur() is its own abstract member.  In other words, because Agreeable knows it’s also Insultable and Laughable, it can treat itself as one of them.

It’s easy to go crazy with interfaces, prerequisites, and helper methods, but most great languages have their danger zones of excess and abuse — features that are the hammer that makes everything look like a nail.  Still, I think code reuse is the most important goal of any programming technology — language, tool, or paradigm — and I’m glad Vala has given it some thought in terms of interface.

JIm Nelson's blog + archives from Yorba Foundation's original blog