Geary crowdfunding: GPG privacy, calendar integration, and more

As promised on our Geary crowdfunding campaign page, we want to know what features our users are looking for in an email client. And in listening to you, we have some good news to announce.

To refresh your memory, these are the features we’re promising to build in Geary 0.4 if we reach our goal:

  • As-fast-as-you-can-type searching
  • Always-on notification of new email
  • Support for all major IMAP servers
  • Save and auto-save drafts

I’m pleased to announce that in addition to the above, we promise to add these features as well:

  • Transparent GPG integration (digital signing and encryption/decryption of messages)
  • Calendar integration (see update below for details)
  • Import address book from Google Contacts

This is quite a line-up of features, but again, we’re only promising all of these if we make our target of $100,000.  You can help make that a reality.

What if we don’t make it?

While there’s still 19 days left in the campaign, it’s still worth discussing what happens if we don’t make the target.  Since this is an all-or-nothing campaign, Yorba will receive nothing if we don’t reach or exceed our goal of $100,000.  What then?

Well, we still have a little gas in the tank and can keep working on Geary.  We won’t have enough time to develop all of the above features, however, so it would be a pretty limited subset of them.  In fact, it may only be a couple, plus some bug fixes.  That may be about it.

After that — who knows?  There’s a lot of possible futures and it’s not worth speculating which one will develop.  In any future, it’s hard to see continued aggressive development of Geary without further funding.

So why contemplate that possibility when you can help create a much better future?  Please consider donating today and tell everyone you know who supports open-source and wants to see it flourish!

UPDATE: We’ve received some comments asking what we mean by calendar integration.  Our plan is that Geary will allow you to add invites you receive via email to your favorite calendar application.  We are not planning to add a calendar itself to Geary.

After a three-year hiatus, Valencia 0.4 is here

valenciaWe’re pleased to announce the release of Valencia 0.4, Yorba’s gedit plugin for Vala programmers.

It’s difficult to believe that it’s been nearly three years since the last Valencia release, but it’s true.  Although it’s been a long time coming, 0.4 is worth the wait.

What’s changed:

  • Improved parsing
  • Updated to GTK+3 and gedit 3
  • Updated to compile on newer versions of Vala (0.17.1 to 0.18.1 required)
  • Many, many bug fixes

Download Valencia 0.4 at

And for more information, visit the Valencia home page.

Shotwell 0.14.1 is Here!

We are pleased to announce the release of Shotwell 0.14.1, the first maintenance release in the Shotwell 0.14 family. Shotwell 0.14.1 is a significant update to Shotwell 0.14, boasting the following features:

  • Fixes a critical issue where Shotwell could close unexpectedly when working with RAW photos in direct-edit mode
  • The Facebook Connector now recovers smoothly from type 7 errors
  • EXIF-oriented photos uploaded to Facebook now appear in their correct orientation, even when the strip metadata option is turned on in the Facebook Connector
  • Fixes an issue where incorrect view filter settings were applied on tag and event pages
  • The Camera Developer is now disabled for RAW images that lack a suitable paired or embedded JPEG
  • Updated translations for many languages, including an updated Catalan translation that corrects a problem where incorrect event dates could be displayed
  • Assorted smaller bug fixes

The Shotwell 0.14.1 tarball is available for download immediately. Ubuntu users can also find pre-packaged binaries for Ubuntu Precise (12.04) and Ubuntu Quantal (12.10) on the Yorba PPA. Shotwell 0.14.x will ship as the default photo manager in the upcoming Ubuntu Raring (13.04) release. Raring users will receive Shotwell 0.14.1 as part of their normal software update process.

Geary crowdfunding: how did we come up with that number?

geary-yorbaThe Geary crowdfunding campaign has been a wild three days so far!  We’ve even been featured in a TechCrunch article, “Crowdfunding, Micro-patronage, And The Free Desktop”.  Scott Merrill had some tough questions for me about how the money we raised would be used.  Others have also commented elsewhere about our target of US$100,000.  Are we asking for too much?  Why do we need that kind of money?

Plainly put, software development is expensive.  You can do it in your spare time, but it’s exactly that — your spare time, the odd moments in your life when you choose to put other obligations aside and devote yourself to the intricacies of code.  The success stories are out there.  Many are the stuff of computing lore, but you never hear of the multitude of abandoned weekend projects.  Coding in fits and bursts is a strategy of mixed results.

Yorba has three full-time engineers working on Geary.  We’re not going to use the raised money for sparkling new development systems or personalized catering.  Yorba’s major equipment and infrastructure purchases have already been made with past income.  The crowdfunding contributions we take in go toward people hacking on Geary code.

“An email client isn’t worth $100K,” one commenter complained.  I doubt there’s a widely-used desktop application out there developed for less than US$100,000 — it’s just that the price tag might be hidden from its users.  The person coding in their spare time is working for free, but that doesn’t mean their spare time is worthless.  Perhaps your favorite app was developed thanks to corporate sponsorship and is distributed freely.  But with that subsidy comes a price tag in terms of priorites, direction, maintenance, and, as the Google Reader announcement last week reminds us, potential abandonment.  “Great software is worth paying for.”

Yorba has no corporate sponsorship.  That strategy has worked for some open-source projects, and I’m not knocking it out-of-hand.  But direct contributions from our users means we can place their priorities — your priorities — first.

Other software crowdfunding campaigns have asked for less than US$100,000, so why is Yorba asking for so much?  Games are a good example of “cheap” crowdfunding.  They raise money by selling pre-release copies as part of their perks or incentives (“For $50, you’ll get a signed copy of the game”) and then selling full-price copies when the game is completed.  Other software campaigns develop online subscription services and offer perks of free subscriptions — again, a model of pre-selling the software in order to raise money to develop it.

This is all fine, but that’s not the position we’re in.  Geary is free software: you will forever be able to download and build Geary on your own.  Heck, you can download and run it today.  We’re not pre-selling software nor are we building an email service.  In fact, we want Geary to work with all kinds of email systems, not lock you into ours.  We want to take what we’ve started and make it better — no, we want to make it great.

Finally, remember that we’re not asking you for US$100,000.  Rather, we’re asking for everyone to contribute a little toward that amount.  What’s a program like Geary worth to you?  Most people leave their email open all day long.  They’re constantly working with it: reading a conversation, marking an email as a “to-do” for later, replying to one request, then sending off a note to someone else.  We want Geary to make all those tasks a snap, so easy you’re not even thinking about Geary, but rather the email in front of you.

What’s that worth to you?  $10, $25, $100?  That’s the question we’re posing with our crowdfunding campaign.  Please considering contributing today.

Geary funding campaign is live on IndieGoGo! Donate today

geary-192x192A couple of weeks ago, I told you we were working on a crowdfunding project for Geary:

We hope that a successful campaign will demonstrate that crowdfunding is a sustainable model for other projects to follow. Many of those projects have historically relied upon corporate sponsorship. Crowdfunding brings with it an independence that these other revenue models lack. It allows us to continue to operate independently and build the features you, the community, really want to see.

Well, that day has arrived.  Our IndieGoGo project is now live and ready to accept your donations!  Please take a look and consider contributing.  We need your donations to continue working on Geary and making a great application you can use day-to-day for all your email needs.

Here’s a nifty video we put together explaining what we’re trying to do:

We need to spread the word and get out the news.  Please share the campaign with your friends on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and your favorite open-source forums.  And if you see mention of the campaign on news sites, please upvote or share it — every little bit really does help.

Thank you for supporting us.  We can’t do this without you!

Geary 0.3 released

We at Yorba are pleased to announce the release of Geary 0.3, our lightweight email client.  Geary organizes your email by conversations rather than threads and offers full HTML composition, attachments, and more.  Geary is compatible with Gmail, Yahoo! Mail, and most IMAP servers.

This major release brings many significant improvements and changes, including:

  • Support for multiple accounts
  • Account editor
  • Basic full conversations
  • Some lightweight background downloading of messages
  • Mark as spam/not spam
  • “Important” folder support
  • Multiple compressed messages are collapsed in conversation viewer
  • Mark as read as you scroll in conversation viewer
  • Highlight unread messages in conversation viewer
  • Allow auth-less SMTP
  • Conversation viewer WebKit inspector
  • Many, many bugfixes

The Geary 0.3 tarball is available for download.  See Yorba’s wiki for information on building, running, and contributing to Geary.  Report bugs and feature requests at Yorba’s Redmine server.  (You must create an account before adding or modifying tickets there.)

Ubuntu users can also find a version for Quantal Quetzal (12.10) on Yorba’s PPA.  Adventurous users may also wish to subscribe to Yorba’s Daily PPA.

JIm Nelson's blog + archives from Yorba Foundation's original blog