I’m very pleased to see that no less than 8 posts on Gnome are about PyGTK or applications using PyGTK. And does not count OLPC, which is also using it.
Very few of the posts are explicitly mentioning Python or PyGTK, it’s such a well accepted platform that there’s really no need to.
This the result of many years of hard work. I’d like to acknowledge the following people who have made it possible:
- James Henstridge for designing, implementing and maintaining the bindings for many years
- Gustavo Carneiro for maintaining the gnome bindings, pyorbit and fixing many of the hardest bugs.
- John Finlay for writing the excellent reference manual and tutorial.
- John Ehresman and Cedric Gustin for the win32 port and installers
- Rafael Burke, Christian Reis, Matt Wilson, Lorenzo Gil Sanchez, Xavier Ordoquy, Manish Singh, Mark McLoughlin, and many other for their contributions…
Gnome hackers, keep on being productive, use high level languages, spread the word and don’t forget to let us know what you’!
Definitely. PyGTK+ rocks!
Now I just need to find a crossplatform build+installer generation system that doesn’t suck to go along with PyGTK…
Don’t forget to mention that brazilian sweedish professional vagabund that is behind the courtain!
Nice blog you have, Johan!