I’m going to GNOME.Asia 2017, which is gonna be held in ChongQing, China during 14-16th Oct. 2017.
I’m at Terminal 3 of Beijing Capital International Airport, waiting to board the plane to ChongQing, China. To be honest, I’m really exited about this trip. I’ve never been to ChongQing before. So visiting the city and eat hotpot is will be a lot of fun. 🙂
It’s been a full month since GUADEC, and I’m just starting to get this blog post completed from my TODO list. 🙂
GUADEC 2017 was held in Manchester, UK. I was really exited about it, because UK is a country that I was looking forward to paying a visit to.
We had a great selection of talks this year for GUADEC, and I enjoyed the ones I attended a lot. Here are a few of them worth mentioning here:
The GNOME Way by Allan Day – We’re principled.
The History of GNOME by Jonathan Blandford – In GNOME’s 20th year, it’s good to look back what we’ve done in the past 20 years and know the history.
Please use GNOME Web by Michael Catanzaro – Actually I missed this talk that day. But I did viewed it online when I arrived home. I was a chrome user, I enjoyed Google account sync and those plugins a lot. I did tried GNOME Web a few months ago, I missed those chrome feature a lot and I switched back to chrome. But this time, I was hugely surprised by the overall experience that GNOME Web provides. As it mentions in the wiki, it provides a simple, clean, beautiful view of the web. And I can’t agree more. It does its job well.
Resurrecting dinosaurs, what can possibly go wrong – It’s good to see such a talk and it makes me think.
Newcomer Genesis Evolution by Carlos Soriano and Bastian Ilsø – In 2014, it was the GNOME Love project that helped me getting started with GNOME. It just worked for me. It’s rather important for a community to attract more newcomers and get them involved. So I’m glad to see Carlos and Bastian are working hard on this to make newcomers’ life much easier.
Payments and donations in GNOME Software by Richard Hughes – It seems a small feature of GNOME Software, but Richard mentioned lots of concerns he met while working on it. It was a good discussion overall.
Lighting Talk – Lighting talk is always a lot of fun.
I like the Unconference Days as usual. It provides a chance for hackers to gather together to get something done. And it can be very productive. I discussed some issues of Logs with David and investigated an issue of PK’s zypp backend. I also joined the hiking to Peak District National Park. The view is absolutely gorgeous and I enjoyed it a lot.
Social Events
As usual, we had lots of social events this year, which is always good. I enjoyed the 20th birthday party the most. It’s great that we have a chance to party together celebrating we’ve accomplished as a whole.
Here are some pictures, enjoy 🙂
Brooks Building
Front desk for registering
Federico’s badge
Kat’s badge
inside the shed
Group photo
In the end, I’d like to thank GNOME Foundation for sponsoring my accommodation during GUADEC and my employer SUSE for sponsoring my time and this trip. And much thanks to the GUADEC team and everyone else to make it happen.