Sat 26 May 2001

  • doggy: Stinks. Managed to get into something outside recently. I’ve shampooed him four times too…

  • sports: Watched the Lakers destroy the Spurs with Zana tonight. It was pretty fun. I thought Tim Duncan was cooler then that, though…

  • hacking: Wrote a small screenshooter for GNOME inspired by Havoc’s post. I found what I think is a bug in gnome-print along the way.

Wed 23 May 2001

  • hacking (AisleRiot2): Got cards drawing again — this time they’re scaled. Also started porting the drawing engine from AR1 over until I can get real SVG images.

  • hacking (GtkTreeView): I added the amazing focusing but non-activateable buttons today. These are buttons that you can click on to give focus (necessary for reordering columns). However you can’t actually activate them. It’s a nice, small touch…

  • work: Power outage caused by storm today. Fortunately, my roof didn’t leak for once.

  • food: Made pumpkin-blueberry pie for dessert. It’s interesting, though a little sweet.

Sat 19 May 2001

  • hacking: wrote a highlighting mode for gtk-demo last night. I have a sinking feeling that it’s the most productive thing I did all week. All the tree bugs I fixed were fairly small ones that no one will ever really see, unless they do things in their program in a backwards order.

  • guppi and gnumeric: Both of these apps are very cool. I used guppi today to view some profiling data, and it just worked (TM). gnumeric just seems to be getting better and better.

  • boom: yaka-BOOM!

  • battlebots: I want to build a battlebot.

Wed 16 May 2001

  • movie: Fairwell My Concubine. A very good movie. Made me really greatful again I didn’t grow up in China during the cultural revolution. What a horrible, horrible thing that was. After the movie, I decided to go ahead and buy a book on Cantonese grammar so I can (try to) learn a little Cantonese with Zana.

  • hacking (gtk+-HEAD): Lot of work sanitizing column code. Still not sure what some interactions are, but I’m ready to move to DnD. The tree will be finished some day…

Tue 15 May 2001

  • movie: Saw “An Ideal Husband” with Alex and Zana. It was pretty good, though I felt like I’d seen it before. I felt really stupid at the end when I realized it was an Oscar Wilde play. I even think I’ve read it before.

  • hacking (Zope): Owen and I learned more about Zope then we wanted to this evening. Apparently, when setting the document root, we broke all management software. We had to save the page source to a file and edit the table target in order to fix it. Anyhow, it seems to basically work now.

  • hacking (gdeck): Rusty Conover seems interested in it. Must-redouble-current-efforts!!!

Sun 06 May 2001

  • mummy: The mummy returns rocks! The Salon guy reviewing it totally missed the point! “There’s a fine line between coincidence and fate…” What wisdom! What truth! What a fun movie!

  • alex: Got an apartment at sunstone. He’ll be living next to Owen now.

Fri 04 May 2001

  • alex: Alex is now in town, staying here until he can find an apartment. Should be an interesting couple of days.

  • hacking (Nautilus): Nautilus truly rocks. I spent last night looking at it a bit with Alex. We found c couple things that it doesn’t do correctly, but most of the time it just worked (TM). Need to finish my attempts at putting ogg files at the same level of support as mp3’s.