A little break and FOSDEM

I’ve been three years working at Emergya. I did the third year two weeks ago…. When I arrived we where 12 people (plus me) and I supposed to be there just for a month… 😛

Three years later I was still there… And now they are fifty people.

Emergya is a company about free software, full of young guys and girls (well, as at any IT company, much less girls and we would like, but…) with passion for the technology, good persons, good friends. They work on GNU/Linux distros (Guadalinex and much more), web applications (with zope/plone, Rails, java, Drupal and more), GIS applications (MapServis and more) and more interesting stuff.

So, nice people, working with and on free tools and projects in a very familiar and nice environment… in Seville (which is not Las Palmas, but still is nice place to live…)… I couldn’t say no to stay more than I’ve promised 🙂

But three years is a very long time for me being in one place. Even if it’s so nice. So I decide to make some changes.

Actually, my work here didn’t let me so much time to update my knowledge, take care of personal stuff I’ve been leaving stopped for awhile and so.

But, I’m no leaving fullly the company. This is more a little (few weeks, maybe a month or so) break to take care of my own personal business.

One of the thing I like to do in this time is updating myself. I need to read and learn a lot stuff about the new (or not so new) GNOME and Freedesktop technologies (I feel so outdated….). I’d like to code again. I miss that a lot.

But this is personal time, so health is one of my goals as well. Better food (cooked by myself instead of with rush in a bar close to the office…), good rest, some exercises, some checking at doctor. Stuff like that.

And I feel I need improve my English. I learn a lot when I was living in Dublin, but was more pub conversations what I learn than an appropriated speak for business or so.

Also my written English is so poor and I don’t feel comfortable enough (and I write soooo slow…) to chat with people by jabber or irc, which some times is necessary to collaborate on some projects.

I guess this is just matter of practise. Read more, write more, try, fail and learn 🙂

I repeat, if someone read my posts and see something wrong or something sounds weird on my English, I will appreciate (so much) to teach me my errors and mistakes.

By the way… Im going to FOSDEM, the Free and Open Source Software Developers European Meeting

I hope see good hacker and friends over there 🙂 And meet more interesting people.

See you there guys! 🙂

Great GNOME weekend in Madrid

Although I’m from Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (the place where the Gran Canaria Desktop Summit is going to be), now I’m living in Seville (also in Spain). Actually the past 10th of January I made my third year here 🙂

I was in Las Palmas for Xtmas and there I was with Alberto (good friend and GNOME hacker), who is living now in Dublin. He told me he was going to make a stop in Madrid, just before to come to Ireland to see some common friends and ask me to go as well.

I couldn’t resist. I was almost one year wanting to come back Madrid and see my friends there. I like so much visit Madrid. I think I couldn’t live there a long period, but I like to go there some times.

Well, this past weekend (the one when people gone crazy because snow in Madrid, which didn’t happen sine long time ago) I went to Madrid and I met there with a good group of good friends and historical Free Software people from of the Spanish community.

People as Alberto Ruíz (a.k.a. arc), Jesús Climent (a.k.a. data), Roberto Majadas (a.k.a. telemaco), Carlos Garnacho (a.k.a. garnacho), Zazu Vega and María Majadas.

Free Software / Open Source friends
Free Software / Open Source friends

That was a very good weekend. Lots of fun and even some geeks conversations about GNOME, GTK, Vala, the Gran Canaria Desktop Summit, DVCS and much more 🙂

Thanks guys! 🙂

Talking about touchscreens

I was talking yesterday with my good friend Carlos Garnacho about touchscreens and multi-touch and I discover a couple of interesting projects. The first was Garnacho who pointed me out. I didn’t know that project. It was MPX (Multi-pointer X Server).

I tought this was a project for creating drivers for those multi-pointer (or multi-touch) touchscreens which start to be on the streets, but actually is something more. It seems the Xorg X server itself doesn’t support more than one pointer at time, so those people had to make some changes on him.

I didn’t have time yet to read docs and code, or just testing, but I think I’ll try. It looks interesting project to me.

The other project I found was tbeta which is a project for providing a multi-pointer (or multi-touch) support via video input. Which means it emulating a multi-touch screen using video camera to see the pointers (e.g. the fingers).

That’s pretty interesting project as well… And it is not necessary expensive to use it. If you don’t believe me, watch this:

Multitouch Mini (MTmini) – My Cheap Multitouch Pad

More details about the video here

I hope you like those projects 🙂

UPDATED: Another friend (Luis) is working on this stuff and give me some nice links:

Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 España
This work by Juanje Ojeda is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 España.